Bûgi, havah, n.p., 23, 205, 23, 209.
20 i 26, 480 sq. Se
126-32, 168, 188, 190, 195 ; twelve 42, 185, 645;- bull's urine (gômêz) divisions of Mahâyâna books, 49 (ii), as a means of purification, 4, lxxiii, 186, 195 sq. See also Tipitaka. Ixxv, lxxv n., lxxix, 63 sq., 63 n., Budha, Purûravas, son of, 44, 69 n.; 79, 81 n., 91 sq., 93, 98 sq., 106,
begotten by the Moon, 49 (i), 45. 107 n., 120 sq., 124 n., 125 n., 126Budha Atreya, author of Vedic 31, 188, 216 sq. and n., 278 n., 279; hymns, 46, 364.
5, lxxiii, 262, 269 sq., 270 n., 272 Budila Asvatarasvi, n. of a sq., 279, 281 sq., 333, 348 sq., 348 teacher, 1, 84, 87; 15, 199; 26, n.; 18, 162 11., 171, 171 n., 284 1., 425; 43, 393, 395.
305, 307-13, 309 n., 310 n., 317, Bûgi, n. of a Daêva, 23, 49 sq., 49 n. 331, 339 sq., 358, 360, 365, 433-7, Bûgisravah, n.p., 23, 205, 205 n. 433 n., 445, 447, 449, 451-5,457; 23, Bûgra, son of Dâzgarâspa, 23, 209. 336; 24, 60 n., 297 n., 337 n., 340 n.; Bûidhi, n. of a demon, 4, 145 sq. 37, 126, 480 sq. See also Nîrang. Buildings, see Architecture, House, Bundahis, its title and contents, 5, and Viharas.
xxii-xxiv, XXXV-Xxxvii, xliv sq. ; Bûiti, the Daêva, sent to kill Zara- called Zand-âkâs, 5, xxii, 3, 3 n.; thustra, 4, liii, 208-10; a personifi- a translation or epitome of the cation of Buddhism, 4, 209 n. ; in a Dâmdâd Nask, 5, xxiv, 177 sq. n., list of Daevas, 4, 224. See also Bût. 181 n. ; 37, 14 n., 465, 465 n.; MSS. Bûkht-Narsih, i.e. Nebuchadnez- and recensions of the B., 5, xxivzar, q.v.
xliii, 2; translations of the B., 5, xxvBulis of Allakappa claim relics of xxvii, xliii-xlv; its date, 5, xli-xliii,
Buddha, and erect a dagaba, 11, 132. xlvii; 18, xxvii, translated, 5, IBull declares the Brahman to Satya- 151; paraphrased by Zâd-sparan, 5, kama, 1, 61; the storm-floods of 153 ; written after Alexander, 37, the heavenly b. as urine, 4, lxxv; 437, 447; chronology of the B., 47, glorification of the b. (primaeval b. xxvii-xxxv, xxxviii. or species of the b.), 4, 231, 231 n., Bürg, the angel, co-operator with 249 ; 23, 93, 350; the primaeval b., Tîstar, 5, 26, 169; rouses the bird see under Animals (i); the ceremony Kâmrôs, 5, 70. of setting a b. at liberty (vrishot- Burial-ground, see Cemetery. sarga), 7, 260-3; 29, 100 sq., 353-5; Burial-mounds, see Stûpas. 33, 162, 162 n.; priests of Asuras Burma, the Dhammathats or lawkill Manu's b., 12, 29; represents books of, 33, 275 sq. Indra, 12, 416 ; Fravashi of the b. Búshâsp, demon of slothfulness, 5, worshipped, 23, 200 ; leading round 110, 366, 366 n.; 18, 93, 95. a b., 29, 249; consecrated hairs of Bûshgăsta, spell against the longthe tail of a white b. used at sacri- handed gaunt B., 4, 145 sq.; demon fices, 31, 349; b. among the cows of sleep and laziness, 4, 197, 197 n., (storm among the clouds), 32, 63, 199; 23, 323; 31, 346 11.; flees from 73 ; simile of the b., 36, 333 sq.; Mithra, 23, 144, 155; the yellow B. a b. set at liberty as sacrificial fee, destroyed by Aryan Glory, 23, 284. 41, 45 sq., 56, 61 ; a b. is the Praga- Bût, Zd. Buiti, the demon (Bhâta) pati among the cows, 41, 58; is whom they worship among the Indra's own animal, 41, 60; one of Hindûs,' 5, 111, 111. See Bûiti. the five sacrificial animals, 41, 162, Bûtâsp, the Bodhisattva, 4, liii. 165 sq.; is eight-hoofed, 41, 177; Byârshan, king of Iran, 23, 222, the b. is vigour, 43, 38 sq.; origin 222 n., 303. of the b., 44, 215; has an excrescence or hump, 44, 276; see also Ox:-'a bull's hide' as a measure, 7, 272, 272 n.; b.'s bide used for auspicious rites, esp. at Calamities (such as drought, &c.) weddings, 29, 41, 171, 181, 247 sq., brought about by the defilement of 285, 383; 30, 47, 50, 193 sq., 263; water or fire, 4, 82, 82 n.
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