yâna, Hinayâna, Vaipulya, 19, x sq.; 49 (ii), ix; periods of development of Northern B., 19, x-xvi; how far the Saddharmapundarika represents orthodox B., 21, xxviii sq.; political reasons for its success, 22, xiii sq.; relation between B. and Gainism, 22, xviii-xxxv; its doctrines refuted, 34, xxvi, li, 340, 400-28; prophecies as to the duration of B., 35, 185-90; 49 (i), 13 sq.; there is no esoteric B., 35, 264-8, 264 sq. n., 267 sq. n.; the Pâtimokkha kept secret, in order that the Dhamma may not be treated shamefully, 35, 266 sq.; corrupt B. of Nepal and Tibet, 36, 7 n.; ceremonies in Mahâyâna B., 49 (i), 199; doctrines of B. (Bauddhas and Gânayas) refuted, 45, ix, 238, 242 sq.; Buddhist views on the origination of the world refuted, 48, 500-16; to be rejected by the Vedântin, 48, 520, See also Buddhists.
531. Buddhist canon, see Tipitaka. Buddhist Church, see Samgha. Buddhist Laymen dedicate Vihâras and other edifices to the Bhikkhus, 13, 302-5; proceedings against a Bhikkhu who gives offence to a layman, 17, 359-69; proceedings of the Samgha against them, 'turning the bowl down,' 20, 119-25; are given to lucky phrases (mangalikâ), 20, 153; judges between Bhikkhus, 20, 388-93; a Pâtaliputta merchant studies the Abhidhamma, 35, 27 sq.; B. 1. attain to comprehension of the truth without having renounced the world, 35, 31 sq.; different classes of B. 1., 35, 229; superiority of Bhikkhus to laymen, 35, 229-33; become Arahats, 36, 56-8, 96-8; a layman who has committed a Pârâgika offence cannot comprehend the truth nor aspire to Arahatship, 36, 78-81, 78 n.; attain to Nirvâna, 36, 244-50, 253-5. Buddhist mendicants or monks, see Bhikkhus, and Samanas. Buddhist nuns, see Bhikkhunîs. Buddhist Order, see Samgha. Buddhists mentioned in the Yâgñavalkya-smriti, 7, xxi; perhaps mentioned in the Vishnu-smriti, 7,
xxix sq., 202, 202 n.; in China and Japan, 11, 245 sq.; 49 (ii), v; persecuted by Pushyamitra, 19, xv; different classes of B., 21, 125 sq.; controversies with Gaotema, the heretic, i.e. with B., 23, 184, 184 n.; are atheists, 25, 31 n.; B. and Brâhmanas, both reformers, 36, 127 sq. n.; their accounts of Gainas and Akelakas, 45, xvii-xxxii; doctrines which they owe to the 'heretics,' 45, xxvii-xxix; perhaps meant by Pankakusila, 45, 80 m.; say 'pleasant things (môksha) are produced from pleasant things (comfortable life)," 45, 269, 269 n.; as Akriyâvâdins, refuted, 45, 316, 316 n.; Crypto-B. who take shelter under a pretended Vedic theory, 48, 513. Buddhist Sacred Books, Chinese translations of, 3, xiii, xiii n.; 49 (ii), vi sq., xiii, xxi sq., xxiv sq., 73 sq.; Buddha not the author of the Pali Suttas, 11, xx; in the Vinaya also, as in the Sutta Pitaka, Buddha himself is the actor and speaker, 13, xvii sqq.; the council of Vesâl, and the date of the Vinaya Pitaka, 13, xxi-xxiii; Sûtra Pitaka settled in the first Council by Ananda, 19, 335; example of the style of the expanded Sûtras, as translated into Chinese, 19, 344-64; the same title given to different works in Chinese translations, 19, 364; which was the oldest language of the B. S. B.? 21, xiv-xviii; their vocabulary and that of the Satapatha-Brâhmana, 21, xvi sq.; the nine divisions in them, 21, 44 sq., 45 m.; their relation to Mahabharata and Manu-smriti, 25, xci n.; at the council held for the fixing of the Scriptures, elders were in doubt about the minor and lesser regulations, 35, 204, 204 m.; the Atharva-veda in the B. S. B., 42, Ivi; information about Gainas in works B. S. B., 45, xv-xxiii; ascribed to Buddha by Buddhists in Japan, 49 (ii), vi; date of Mahâyânasûtras, 49 (ii), xxi-xxiii; list of B. S. B., 49 (ii), xxiv-xxvi; Mahâyâna-sûtras, and Vaipulya-sûtras, 49 (ii), 102 sq., 188, 190, 195; meritoriousness of studying, hearing, and teaching Mahâyâna-sutras, 49 (ii),
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