for the benefit of the B., but of the sq., 232-5, 238 sq., 308, 321, 429; worshippers, 35, 144-54; the think- Buddhas appearing in inyriads of ing powers of B. and Pakkeka- B., 21, 232 ; Lokesvararâga teaches Buddhas, 35, 158-60; it was their the excellences of B., 49 (ii), ix sq., custom to keep the Pâtimokkha 10; Dharmâkara describes his B., secret, 35, 265 sq.; they are above 49 (ii), ix sq., 10-22; in the six or the law, 36, 7, 7 n.; Buddha su- ten quarters, 49 (ii), 99-101, 173; preme, compared with the Pak- Buddha shows them to Queen keka-Buddhas, 36, 13 n.; the teach Vaidehî, 49 (ii), 166. See also Sahaing of the former B. was entirely world, and Sukhâvati. lost when Buddha rediscovered it, Buddhaghosa, commentator of the 36, 13-16; always proclaim the Tipitaka, 10 (i), xii; consulted old Truth at the request of Brahmâ, Pali MSS., 10 (i), xiii sq. ; his age, 36, 41 sq.; Buddhas, Pakkeka- 10 (i), xiv-xxvi, xxxix ; account Buddhas, and disciples of Buddha, of B. given in the Mabâvamsa, 10 36, 101; there are B. and Pakkeka- (i), xxi sqq. ; his Sumangala-VilaBuddhas in the world, 36, 10; all sinî, commentary on the MahậpariB. are alike in all the Buddha- nibbâna-Sutta, 11, xxxi sq. ; his qualities, 36, 133-5; preaching en references to the Milindapañha, 35, joined for them, 36, 357 ; throwing xiv-xvi. open the door for the inmortals Buddhagiva translated the Vinaya and B., 40, 283; Tathâgatas cannot into Chinese, 19, xxvi. be born again, 45, 332 ; list of Buddha-karita, Chinese translation Tathâgatas, 49 (ii), 66 sq., 99-101; by Dharmaraksha, 19, ix; titles of three former B., 49 (i), 172; multi- chapters in the Sanskrit B., and in tudes of sons of the Ginas and the Chinese translation, 19, 340-3; Suras, 49 (i), 173; eighty-one translated, vol. 49 (i); Asvaghosha, Tathậgatas beginning with Dîpan- the author of it, 49 (i), ix sq.; kara and ending with Lokesvara- Sanskrit text of it, 49 (i), ix, xii; râga, 49 (ii), ix, 6 sq.; requested to Chinese and Tibetan translation of turn the wheel of the law, 49 (ii) the B., 49 (i), x sq.; its influence 26; proceed from rays sent out by on the classical Sanskrit poetry, 49 lotus-Rowers, 49 (ii), 36; glorify (i), xi sq. Amitabha, 49 (ii), 45; of the ten Buddhakshetra, see Buddha-fields. quarters, 49 (ii), 181, 184, 189; the Buddhavamsa, t.w., the preaching former Buddha Dîpankara prophe- of it at Kapila-vatthu, 36, 249. sies that Sâkyamuni will become Buddhi, Sk., t.t., intellect, intellia B., 49 (ii), 133, 133 n. ; the gence, various meanings of the Buddha Kassapa, see under Kassapa. term, 8, 11, 440 sq.; 34, lv sqq. ; See also Hoiy persons, Pakkeka- 38, 436; 48, 786 ; difference beBuddhas, and Pratyeka-Buddhas. tween manas and b., 15, xiv, xiv n. Buddhabhadra, translator of the See Intelligence. Kwo-hu-yin-ko-king, 19, xxv. Buddhism. Buddha-countries, see Buddha- (a) Its doctrines. fields.
(6) Its history. Buddhadâsa, the Buddhist Suttas (a) ITS DOCTRINES. translated from Pali into Singha- Buddhist technical terms, 10 (i), lese, in his reign, 10 (i), xiv.
liii-lv; 49 (ii), 39 sq., 96, 96 n., Buddha-fields, or Buddha-countries 171, 174; the four noble truths and (Sk., Buddhakshetra), tremble when the eightfold path, 10 (ii), 44; 19, Buddha enters on his meditation, 175-7, 200, 224, 305; 21, 18, 90 21, 6 sq., 9, 20, 24; become illu- sq., 172 sq., 185, 354 sq. ; 36, 6, minated by the light proceeding 245 n. ; 49 (i), 175 sq. ; (ii), 148, froin Buddha's eyebrow, 21, 7-9, 154, 193; the original doctrine of 20 sq., 24; description of B., 21, B., as contained in Pali Suttas, 11, 66-9, 142-51, 194 sq., 197, 206 XX-xxii; summary of B., its chiet
sies that Saky. 133, 133 Pissapa. te
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