of B., a great merit, 21, 50 sq. ; 19, 146; 49 (i), 7; all B. or Ginas Buddhists live as under the eye of of past ages have gone out as a the B., 35, 110; a wicked man who lamp,' 19, 275; Kaityas in honour thinks of B. in the hour of death of former B., 19, 323; the seven will be reborn among the gods, 35, supreme B. worshipped in a snake123 sq.; he who gives to B, a charm, 20, 77, 77 n.; cannot be handful of lotuses, will not enter deprived of life by violence, their purgatory for 91 Kalpas, 35, 129; death is natural, 20, 247 ; Bodhidoes not accept gifts, yet gifts made sattvas who had propitiated hunto him bear fruit, 35, 146 sq., dred thousands of B., 21, 3; B. who 150 sq. ; worship paid to the bowl had reached final Nirvana, became of Buddha, 35, 248 n.; the gods visible in the Buddha-fields, 21, 8, infused the Sap of Life into his 10; how they preach in numerous dish, 36, 37 sq., 37 n.; he who has Buddha-fields, 21, 10 sq.; miracles wounded a B. cannot be converted, always appear when B. are about to 36,78 n.; how gifts to B. were preach, 21, 16-29; appearing like rewarded, 36, 147; the Arhat B. golden columns, &c., 21, 24 sq.; surpasses the Creator, and sun and disciples of Buddha shall become B. moon, 49 (i), 1; praised by all in the future, 21, 45 sq., 59, 89, kinds of superhuman beings, 49 (i), 112-15, 128, 189 $.; all former B., 145 sq., 157-9; relics of B., and many thousands in number, taught Kaityas, 49 (i), 166 sq.; Sâkyamuni only one vehicle, 21, 49, 53; the seen by the beings in Sukhâvatî, former B. encourage Buddha to 49 (ii), 61; beings born in Sukhâ- preach the law, 21, 55 sq.; the B. vatî through hearing B.'s name, have spoken in many mysteries, 21, 49 (ii), 65; Sakyamuni glorified by 59; Bodhisattvas will in future be other Buddhas, 49 (ii), 102; prayers B., 21, 60; their thirty-two characaddressed to B., 49 (ii), 162, 164; teristics, 21, 62 sq.; men who think how to perceive B. with one's mind, of becoming B. themselves, com49 (ii), 178.
pared to the highest plants, 21, (1) PLURALITY OF BUDDHAS. 1 26; a thousand less four B, have
The moral teaching of all the to appear in the Bhadrakalpa, 21, B., 10 (i), 50; B. are worshipped, 193; the seven Tathagatas, the 10 (i), 52; 21, 409 sq.; 49 (i), 188 seventh being Buddha himself, 21, sq.; (ii), 16 sq., 53 sq.; are free 193; by the power of Buddha there from vanity and are never shaken, 10 appear the Tathagata-frames in (i), 63; you yourself must make an thousands of Buddha-fields, all effort, the Tathagatas are only preaching the law, 21, 231 sqq. ; preachers, 10 (i), 67; B. reject what all the Buddha-frames are Buddha's is acquired by stanzas, 10 (ii), 13, own proper bodies, 21, 238, 300 n. ; 78; the Tathagatas act with a pur- the wise preacher must always think pose, 10 (ii), 58; appear seldom in 'How can I and these beings bethe world, 10 (ii), 103; 11, 104, come B.?' 21, 270; the preacher 186 sq. ; 21, 423 sq. ; speak nothing must always feel towards B. as if untrue, 11, 2; Buddha termed the they were his fathers, 21, 271, 273 ; successor of the B. of old, 21, the apparition of the B. tends to 86 sq. ; B. of the past, present, and the welfare of men, 21, 303 sq.; future, 11, 13 sq., 97; 35, 138; 49 future and past B. will be seen by (ii), 148, 154, 168; their word en him who promulgates the Lotus of during for ever, 11, 233; they the True Law, 21, 369; Buddhist sometimes ask questions about what theory of former B., and Gaina they know, in order to preach or theory of Tîrthakaras, 22, xxxiv institute a rule, 13, 176, 327 ; 17, sq.; B. or Tathagatas used in the 69,141 sq.; the Bodhisattva remen- sense of Tîrthakaras, 22, 32; 45, bers former B., 19, 50; 49 (i), 162; 314 sq., 314 n., 320, 320 11., 332 ; miracles at the birth of former B., the relics of B. are worshipped not
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