3. 23 fansive
1137, 34, absolute, only
conceived by the true philosopher, 38, 180, 390-4, 396; 48, 624 sq.; and by ordinary people, 1, 125 sq. n.; spoken of as in heaven and beyond this is the immortal, the fearless, this heaven, 34, 96 sq.; is the bridge of is B., 1, 130, 135, 136, 138, 140; the Iminortal, 15, 36; 34, 154, 156, 48, 313, 320, 352 ; names and forms 622 sq.; is the best, 15, 37; is are contained in the B., the Im- devoid of parts, 15, 39; 34, 135-9, mortal, the Self, 1, 143; 44, 27 sq.; 349-52; 38, 396 ; 48, 192 sq., 473; its relation to the senses, 1, 147 sq.; the bliss of B., B. is bliss, 15, 56, 8, 104, 104 n., 386; its relation to 61 sqq., 61 sq. n., 66, 150 sq. ; 34, 25, the Devas or gods, 1, 149-51; 8, 65-8, 72 sq., 75-7, 169; 48, 84, 153; 15, 68, 302, 324; 34, xiv; 113, 193, 198, 200, 208-37, 240, 38, 219; is of the nature of intelli- 254, 276 sq., 307, 376, 389, 402, gence, or pure knowledge, 1, 246, +13 sq., 4+2, 550, 618,653; in the 246 n.; 15, 150 sq. ; 34, xxiv sq., beginning B. knew its Self only, 15, 25, 68, 264; 38, 156 sq., 160, 168; 88 ; this is the B., without cause and 48, 23, 81, 84, 103-5, 11-13, 115,
without effect, without anything inside 126, 131 sq., 143, 176, 193, 240,
or outside ; this Self is B., omnipresent 561, 618, 660; various meanings of
and omniscient, 15, 117; is SvayamB. in Bhagavadgîtâ, 8, I; free
bhu, self-existent, 15, 120, 188, from all imperfections, and endowed
227; 43, 404; 44, 417 sq.; see also with all auspicious qualities, 8, 65,
under (k); is the safe support,
15, 235; in it is the triad (subject, 104, 180, 257; 34, xxviii, 107, 328;
object, and the mover or ruler), 38, 101, 201-4; 48, 78 sq., 81 sq.,
15, 235 sq.; the only universal 88, 94, 96, 124, 127, 143, 156, 182,
being, of an absolutely homogeneous 200, 208 sq., 215, 218, 229, 240,
nature, 34, xxiv, xxvii sq., xxx; 48, 259, 271, 323 sq., 327, 354, 375,
113; is associated with Nescience 394, 402 sq., 406-8, 413 sq., 422,
(Mâyâ, Avidya), 34, xxv, xxx, 362; +29, +44 sq., 460, 469, 476, 584,
48, 212, 215 sq., 494 ; compared 607-21, 689 sq.; has no beginning nor end, is unborn and immortal
with a magician, 34, xxv; according
to Sankara impersonal, with Râmâ(imperishable, indestructible), 8, 77, 103, 180, 192, 248; 15, 28, 36, 235,
nuga a personal God, 34, xxviii,
XXX, cxxiii, cxxiv n.; cannot have 255, 302, 335 sq.; 34, 83, 169-71,
originated from anything else, 34, 349; 48, 308-11, 535, 652 sq., 660; is neither existent nor non-existent,
lii, 266 sq., 332; 38, 19 sq.; is
devoid of form, 34, Ixiii, lxiv, 306 sq.; 8, 103, 103 n.; devoid of qualities, 8, 104; 34, xxv, xxviii; 38, 239, 394 sq.;
38, 154-75; 48, 610 sq.; discussions
on the nature of B., 34, Ixiv sq., 48, 26-9; it is of no colour, 8, 179; smaller than small, larger than the
xcv sq. ; 38, 101, 133-83; later
definitions of B., e.g. as sakkidlargest, 8, 180, 285; 15, 28, 36, 39,
ânanda, 34, xcii; etymology of the 338 ; 34, 113 sq. ; 48, 264 sq., 367; B, is glory, 8, 180; 38, 393 ; pro
word, 34, 14; 48, 158; B., which is
all-knowing and endowed with all duced and developed from the pure
powers. w powers, whose
e mnaowed with all
essential nature is principle, 8. 186. the hinne pure
eternal purity, intelligence, and freevery far off, 8, 369; three syllables, dom, exists. ... The existence of B.is viz. na mama, 'not minc,' are the known on the ground of its being the eternal B., 8, 391; there is nothing Self of every one. . . . And this Self greater than B., 8, 392; 48, 621-5; (of whose existence all are conscious) is the Great, 15, 18; 48, 4; from is B., 34, 14; is all-knowing, 31, terror of B., the wind blows, the 19-22, 25, 47, 49, 362; 48, 156, sun rises, Agni, Indra, and Death 215, 234, 259, 316, 354, 375, 394, run away, 15, 21, 59; 34, 130, 413 sq., 460; can it be designated 230 sg.; is eternal, pure and change by a masculine noun ? 34, 76; is less, 15, 28; 34, 25, 34, 327; 38, 397; a place of rest, 34, 83; is the 48, 393, 400; is omnipresent, 15, 18, internal ruler over the devas and 28, 335; 34, 89, 91 sq., 120, 125, 172; so on, 34, 130-2; is different from
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