219, 274,
A Tathagapreacher of the
See also
21, 58, 91, 122, 166, 24 + sq., 275-7, of enlightenment,' i.e. he will be388; 35, 253 sq., 253 n.; called come a B., 21, 391 sq., 392 n. ; how Tevigga, 'wise in the Vedas,' 11, do you know that B. existed ? 35, 159; the good physician, 19, 170, 109; 36, 206-43; why must there 266, 276, 305, 315, 353 ; 21, 158, be only one B. at a time? 36, 47– 277 sq., 310 ; 36, 8, 8 n., 10, 40; 51; there is one being, o brethren, 49 (i), 145, 182; a saviour of man who is born into the world for the good kind, 19, 291, 292 n., 350 ; the god and for the weal of the great multitudes, over all gods (devâtideva), 19, 348;
out of mercy to the world, for the advan21, xxv-xxviii, 301 n. ; 35, 167, 300;
tage and the gool and the weal of gods
and men. And what is that being? 36, 12, 56, 83, 125, 215, 219, 274,
A Tathagata, an Arahat B. supreme, 279, 281, 283, 285, 290 sq., 295,
36, 56; a preacher of the Law be298, 300-2, 305 sq., 305 1., 310,
comes a B., 49 (i), 185, 187. See also 312-5, 317, 319, 323-5, 327, 331,
below (i). 337, 340 sq., 344-6, 352-4, 358, 363365, 368; the term B. as used by (c) LIFE OF GOTAMA B. SAKYAMUNI. Gainas and Buddhists, 22, xx, 264 ; Legends of B. and Zoroaster, 4, 45, 45, 45 n.; calls himself a Brah- liii; the oldest version of the history man, and a king, 36, 8, 8 17., 10, 25- of his life, 13, 73 sq. n.; lives of B. 30.
in Chinese translations, 19, xvi-xxx; (6) APPEARANCE OF A B. IN THE B.and Mahâvîra contemporaries, 22, WORLD.
xvi; life of B. and life of Mahâvîra Enjoyed the pleasures of heaven compared, 22, xviisq.; B. gives Bimbefore he was born the last time, bisâra an account of his family, 10 10 (i), 35 n.; difficult is the birth of (ii), 68 sq.; the Samana Gotama of a B., 10 (i), 49, 52; 19, 369 sq.; the Sakya clan, 11, 169; see also 49 (ii), 69; his seven re-births be- Sakya; Sâkyamuni, one of the sixfore his last, 11, 288; is not subject teen sons of the B. Mahâbhigñâgñânâto Nirvana, but only produces a bhibhû, 21, 179; his connexion with semblance of it, and he repeatedly the feudal aristocracy, a cause of appears in this world, 21, xxv sq.; his success, 22, xiii ;-story of his has existed since time immemorial, conception and birth, 19, xix, 1--20; is the Adibuddha, 21, xxv sq., 154 49 (i), 1-16; thirty-two miraculous sq., 154 n., 224 sq.; is unlimited in signs on the eve of B.'s birth, 19, the duration of his life, he is ever- 344-64; Asita's prophecy about the lasting, 21, xxx, 298–310, 300 n.; child, 10 (ii), 125-7 ; 19, 7-12; reappears in the world for the one joicing of the gods at the birth of object only, to open the eyes of B., 10 (ii), 125; state of happiness creatures for the Tathầgata-know- in the country, after the birth of B., ledge, 21, 40; the self-born One, 19, 20-3;-the child B. consecrated 21, 45-7, 114, 217 sq., 309 sq., 362, king by water coming down from 440; the son of B. who has com- heaven, 19, 4; childhood of B., 19, pleted his course shall once be a 23; 49 (i), 17-20; the baby Gotama Gina, 21, 48; he who knows the meditates in his cradle, 36, 143, 143 law of the Buddhas becomes a B. sq. n.; not hurt by falling from the 21, 53 ; when one becomes B., then roof of a pavilion, 49 (1), 22 ;-living one will be completely extinct, as prince Gautama in the palace, 21, 63 ; has preached the law in 19, xx, 24-9; 49 (i), 20-6; palaces thousands of worlds, 21, 242; beau- built and dancing women procured tiful visions of the preacher of the for the youth Bodhisattva, 19, 360 Lotus of the True Law, he sees sq.; the prince not deluded by himself as a future B., 21, 278-80; women, 19, 38-46; 49 (i), 36-48; B. and the Bodhisattvas, 21, 294 sq., seeing the women of his seraglio 297; his complete extinction a mere asleep, 36, 135 sq. ; 49 (i), 56-9;device, 21, 303-8; 'He will spread his excursion, and visions of old age, the bundle of grass on the terrace sickness, and death, 19, xx, 29-37;
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