sublime forbearance, his pulpit is fold knowledge of a B., 36, 134 sq., complete abstraction, 21, 222, 224; 135 n.; the four bases of confidence as a king, bestowing immense alms, of a B., 36, 134, 134 n. ; remembers 21,243 sq.; compared to a physician, his former births, 49 (i), 148 ;--food 21, 304-6, 309; 35, 116, 165, 168 sq., which can only be digested by B. 240 sq.; is incomparable, 35, 109 sq.; or a disciple of B., 10 (ii), 14; no how can B. be kind and pitiful and harm can be done to a B., 10 (ii), omniscient, and yet have admitted 30, 45 sq.; 35, 222; crosses the Devadatta to the Order, who created river Ganges miraculously, 11, 21; a schism, and had to suffer torments 17, 104, 19, 251 sq.; by his great in hell for it? 35, 162-70; how B. and clear vision, sees fairies, 11, 18; could be free from all sins, and yet 17, 101 sq.; might remain in this suffer bodily pain, 35, 190-5; the world throughout the Kalpa, 11, best of all the best in the world of 41 sq., 54-8; 35, 198–201; an gods and men, 35, 221; 36, 10-12, earthquake caused by the great 12 n., 50; is free of all self-regard, events in the life of the B., 11, he does not seek after a following, 47 sq. ; his 'transfiguration,' 11, but the followers seek after him: 82 n.; works miracles, 13, 119-34; in this sense he is a leader, 35, 21, xxxi, 364-8; his miraculous 225 sq.; the Bhikkhus who vomited power of transferring himself from blood on hearing B.'s discourse one place to another, 13, 248 sq.; suffered harm by their own deeds, 17,7,9; heals the wound of Suppiyâ, not by B., 35, 234-7; is perfect in who has cut her own flesh, 17, courtesy of speech, 35, 237-41; 83 sq. ; Belattha's sugar, thrown into did B. boast ? 35, 253 sq. ; cannot be the water at B.'s order, hisses and angry, 35, 257-60; unmoved by bubbles and sends forth smoke, 17, temporary inconvenience, 36, 24; 95; during the rainy season, B. the eighteen characteristics of a with his Bhikkhus vanishes from B., 36, 135, 135 n.; loved his Getavana and appears at the house enemies as his only son, 36, 355; of Visâkhâ, not a single Bhikkhu the B. only knows the virtues of being wet from rain, 17, 219; his a B., 49 (ii), 70; the sun-like B., transcendental powers, 19, 318 sq. ; 49 (ii), 166.
21, 30-7; his mystic trance, 21, (e) TRANSCENDENT KNOWLEDGE 6 sq.; miracles allowed by B., 21, AND MIRACULOUS POWERS OF A B. +21; the earth became smooth,
B.-knowledge, B.-eye, 10 (ii), 63, when B. walked along it, 35, 248 sq.; 207 sq.; 11, 187; 13, 87 sq.; 49 (ii), why B. prefers not to work miracles, 129 sq., 135; his power of prophecy, 36, 24 sq.; flies through the sky, 11, 18 n.; 35, 5 sq.; knows Brahmâ, 49 (i), 170. the world of Brahmâ, and the path (f) GOTAMA B. AS A PREACHER which leads to it, 11, 185 sq.; AND TEACHER. possessed of ten Noble States, ten His manner of teaching, 10 (ii), Powers (Balas), and ten attributes xiv-xvi; 13, 104 sq.; 17, 4, 96, 137, of Arhatship, and understands the 330 sq.; 20, 183; 21, 18, 71 sq., ten Paths of Kamma, 13, 141 sq. ; 181-3, 187-9, 303 sq. ; 35, 234-7 ; 36, 134 sq. and n.; 49 (i), 157, reproached by Bharadvâga with 157 n., 159 sq., 172; (ii), 22 ; knows idleness, explains his work as a kind the thoughts of others, 13, 248; 17, of ploughing, 10 (ii), 12 sq.; rejects 7, 192; has no master, and his what is acquired by reciting stanzas, wisdom is self-taught, 19, 169 sq. 10 (ii), 13, 78; preached to the and n.; 36, 43-6; his wonderful eight kinds of assemblies and then power of remembering the past, vanished away, 11, 48 sq.; his 21, xxix, 153 sqq.; his omniscience, teaching open to all, 11, 187; sends 21, 118 sq., 120 sq.; 35, 116, 154-62, his earliest disciples out to preach 270-3, 301 sq.; 36, 100, 109-11; his doctrine to all the world, 13, 49 (i), 183; the sixfold and fourteen- 112 sq.; his relations to other sects,
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