disciples who are to become future 58; how the remains of the TathaBuddhas, 21, xxix, 142-52 ; dialogue gata are to be treated, 11, 91-3, between B. and Ananda, 49 (ii), 125 sq.; how the news of his death ix sq., 3-60; B. Sâk yamuni shows was received by gods and men, 11, to Ananda the Buddha Amitabha 116-22; by the knowledge of the and Sukhâvatî, 49 (ii), x, 59-61; four noble truths, B. became free conversation between B. and Agita, from rebirth, 11, 152 sq.; how the 49 (ii), x, 61-9; at Râgagriha, 49 news of B.'s death was received by (ii), 1 sg.; conversation between B. the Bhikkhus, 20, 370 sq.; his dead and Sariputra, 49 (ii), 91-102 ;- body saluted by women first, 20, admonishes his son Râhula, 10 (ii), 379; has passed away, but exists in 55 sq. ; ordination of luis son Râhula, his doctrine and discipline, 35, 13, 208-10; his meeting with his 113 sq., 149 sq. See also Bodhisattva. father and kinsmen, 19, 218-30; (d) BODILY AND MENTAL CHARvisits his home and parents, 49 (i),
ACTERISTICS OF A B. 195-200 ; ascends to heaven, to
B. is briglit with splendour day preach to his mother, 19, 240 sq. and nicht
and night, 10 (i), 89; thirty-two and n.; 49 (i), 200; (ii), vi; how
signs of a great man possessed by he escapes the attacks of his wicked
B., 10 (ii), 67, 99-102, 187 sq. ; 11, cousin Devadatta, 19, 246-9; 20,
64 1.; 19, 8 sq., 14, 95, 112 sq. 238-50, 260 sq.; 35, 290; the and n., 229, 355-7, 359 sq. ; 21, 47, splinter of rock hurting his foot,
50, 189 sq., 194, 246 sq., 252 sq., 35, 248-51 ; attacked by an elephant
282, 364, 427, 436 ; 35, 116, 237; at Râgagaha, 35, 297-300, 298 n.;
36, 44 ; 49 (i), 11, 67, 77 sq., 87, Queen Vaidehi's vision of B., 49 (ii),
106, 191; (ii), 27, 36, 52, 74, 165 ;-at Pâtaligâma or Pâtaliputra,
125, 140, 174, 174 1., 178, 180, 17,97-104; 19,249-52; his prophecy
183; the colour of his skin becomes about Pâtaliputta, 17, 101 sq.;---the
bright on the night of his attaining date of his death, 10 (i), xxxv-xlv;
XIV; to perfect enlightenment, and on 11, xlv-xlviii; a dire sickness fell
the night in which he passes away, upon him during the rainy season, 11. 81 sq., 82 n.: darts a flash of at Beluva, but by a strong will he light from the circle of hair between keeps his hold on life so as not to
his eyebrows, 21, 7, 393; 49 (ii,
his eve depart, without taking leave from
166; is short of stature, 21, 395;
16 his disciples, 11, 35 sq.; eighty
bodily appearance of a B., 49 (ii), years of age, 11, 37; will not die,
3 sq. ; not to be seen by the shape until the order of the brethren and
of his visible body, nor by signs, 49 sisters is established, and his religion
(ii), 115, 137, 140; rays issue forth fully proclaimed among men, 11,
from his mouth, 49 (ii), 166 sq.; six43, 53; announces the time of his
teen cubits high, 49 (ii), 186 sq., 187 n.; death, 11, 44, 54, 59, 61, 81 sq.;
the excellent qualities of B., 10 (ii), 19, 267-9, 274 sq. ; 35, 199; his
25-7, 76–8; 11, 27; 17, 34 ; Gotamu last illness caused by the meal of
... is said to be a fully enlightened boar's flesh offered by Kunda, the one, blessed and worthy, abounding in smith, 11, 72 sq. ; 35, 242-6, 244 n.; wisdom and goodness, happy, with his death, 11, 85-116, 238 sq.; 19, knowledge of the world, unsurpassed 307 sq.; before his death, addresses as a guide to erring mortals, a teacher the brethren to utter any doubt of gods and men, a blessed B.,' 11, 169, they may have, but they are all 187; leader and guide of gods and silent, 11, 113 sq.; his last days, men, 19, 350, 362; 35, 167; 36, 19, 277-307, 365-71; comforts the 55 sq., 83, 120; B. a wise father, Mallas who are grieved about his his disciples are like sons to him, departure, 19, 288-90; his last 21, xxix, 72-90, 108; is impartial, words, 11, 114; 19, 306 sq. ;-has just as sun and moon shine over all completely left birth and death beings alike, 21, 128, 136; his abode behind him and dispelled sin, 10 (ii), is kindness to all beings, his robe is S. 2. IND.
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