... He from whom all works, all 38, 220; the uniform B. viewed as desires, all sweet odours and tastes pro- manifold through Nescience, 48, ceed, who embraces all this, who never
127, 180, 344; is Heaven and s and who is never surprised, ne, Earth, 48, 191 ; all sentient and nonmy self within the heart, is that B.,
sentient beings spring from B., are 1, 48; 48, 133; is the Self seen in
merged in him, breathe through him, earth, heaven, air, &c., within all,
are ruled by him, constitute his body; 1, 260 ; 15, 128 sq.; 34, 154-62, so that he is the Salf of all of them, 230; 48, 259, 318 sq., 371-4; all 48, 717. worlds are contained in B., 15, 21; 48, 768; pervades everything, 8, (e) THE B. (NEUT.) AND THE 104 ; 48, 92 sq.; is all things per- WORLD. ceptible, B. alone is all this, B. is The B. as the cause or creator of the Self of the world, 8, 180, 192; the world, 1, 64; 15, 231-7; 34, xxix 15, 37, 307; 34, xxviii, XXX, 23, 94, sq., xl, xlvii sq., 1, lii, 50, 60 sq., 107, 109-11, 156, 267, 357; 38, 138, 202, 233, 267–74, 299-317, 344, 165, 208, 341; 48, 20 sq., 85, 88, 352 sq., 361 sq., 381-6; 38, 3-73, 91, 93-5, 133, 257, 260 sq., 290, 391 sq.; 44, 27 sq., 409; 48, 306, 394 sq., 399, 408, 458, 659, 28, 200, 215 sq., 234, 240, 242, 662, 687; both unity and diversity 254-6, 271, 285, 354-408, 413-79, or manifoldness are true of B., as 532-40, 584, 608, 643, 767; the there are elements of plurality in source of all beings, the womb of it, 8, 374 sq., 374 n.; 34, xxviii, the world, 15, 28; 34, 83, 85, 135-9, 321 sqq., 345 sq.; 48, 89; every- 288 ; 48, 140; is the support of the thing is centred in it, 15, 36; the universe, 8, 104, 180, 180 n., 192; bright, immortal Person in every- is that from which the origin, subthing, the Self, the Immortal, B., sistence, and dissolution of this world and the All are the same, 15, 113-17; proceed, 8, 180, 192; 34, xxxii, xcii being one only, rules over all germs, sq., 15-19, 107, 109, 117, 283 ; 48, over all forms, over all and every- 3, 94, 156-61, 174, 255, 258-61, thing, 15, 255 sq.; one only without 266; is the seed of the tree of a second, and undivided, nothing worldly life, 8, 313; in the beginning apart from B. exists, 34, xxviii sq., B. was all this, 15, xviii, 318; 44, 1, 286, 321, 349-54, 395 sq. ; 38, 12, 27 sq.; 48, 391 ; that from whence 13, 158, 160, 168-71, 175-80, 202, these beings are born, that by which, 327-9, 410; 48, 28 sq., 39, 73, 80,
when born, they live, that into which 91, 105, 126 sq., 176, 566; some
they enter at their death, try to know metaphorical expressions, seemingly
that. That is B., 15, 64 ; 48,91, 156; implying that there is something
covered himself, like a spider, with different from B., explained, 34, Ixv;
threads drawn from the first cause 38, 175-80; all things are effects of
(pradhâna), 15, 263; not only the B., or are B. itself, 34, cxix sq.;
operative but also the material
ope is the real giver of the gifts be
cause of the world, 34, xl, xciv sq., stowed by princes on poets and
49, 60 sq., 264 sq., 283-8, 317, singers, 34, 80 n.; Indra declares 320-30, 346 sq., 361 sq.; 48, 142; that he is one with B., 34, 101 sq.;
creates the world without instruthe ten objects and the ten sub
ments, 34, xlix sq., xcv, 346-9, jects cannot rest on anything but
354-6; creation and reabsorption Brahman, 34, 104 ; subsists apart
of the world a mere sport of B., from its effects, 34, 350 ; the fisher-
o the fisher.
34, 1, 356 sq. ; 48, 405 sq., 476 sq., men are B., the slaves are B., B. are 610; as a creator and dispenser, these gamblers; man and woman are acts with a view to the merit and born from B.; women are B. and so demerit of the individual souls, and are men, 38, 61 sq., 48, 191, 559 sq.; has so acted from all eternity, 34, although one only, it is, owing to I, 357-61; relation of the nonthe plurality of its powers, medi- sentient matter to B., 34, Ixv; 48, tated upon in more than one way, 242; called Non-being, previously
they entorn, they live that by whence
essions, see some
princes and
creates the
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