353; soul saved by meditation on up by penance, devote themselves B., 48, 394 ; cannot be fully under to B., 8, 288; assimilation with the stood by the individual soul, 48, 396; B. obtained by going the path of the imperfections of the soul are the four Asramas, 8, 316; 14, 275; not B.'s, 48, 563 sq., 607-11; the the mode of conduct which is full term B. applied to the individual of the B., 8, 341 ; various Brâhmans soul, 48, 655 sq.; to be meditated teach various paths leading to union upon as the Self of the devotee, 48, with B., 11, 168, 168 n., 170 sq.; 716-18.
the Brahmanic teaching as to union (8) DEVOTION TO AND ABSORPTION
with B. criticized by Buddha, 11, IN THE B. (NEUT.).
171-85; meditating on the syllable The path of the gods leading to
Om, the ascetic becomes one with B., 1, 68, 8o, 276-8; 15, 327 sq.;
B., 14, 283 sq.; "the vessel of B.,' 34, xxix sq. ; 38, 383 sq.; 48,648-51,
the body of the ascetic, 14, 284, 747 sq. ; union with the B. reached
284 n.; 25, 214; by worshipping B. by good conduct, by performing
he becomes B., 15, 67 sq. ; let us religious rites, and the like, 2, 218;
love the old B., 15, 241; by know7, 183; 8, 106, 162, 235, 313, 336,
ledge, penance, and meditation one 339 sq., 342, 370; 14, 249, 266,
goes beyond B. (m.) to union with 309; 15, 176 sq., 336; 25, 25, 34,
B. (n.), 15, 301; having broken
through the four spheres of the 34 n., 45, 45 11., 212 sq., 212 n., 419, 419 n.; sacrifice of B. with B., in
Sun, the Moon, the Fire, and GoodB. by B. for B., 8, 61, 61 n.; the
ness, the worshipper beholds B., sage possessed of devotion attains
15, 338; Veda-knowledge and Vedato unity with B., 8, 64, 64 n., 70,
study procure union with B., 25, 234 n., 245, 245 1., 398, 413 ;
165, 507; 44, 99; he who knows happiness in union with B. that is
the Self enters B., the highest state, free from defects and equable, 8,
25, 513; union with B. is the reason 65 sq., 66 n. ; 48, 327 ; the devotee
for the absence of all contact with of Krishna fit for union with B.,
evil, 38, 144; on the attainment of 8, 110; the true Brâhmana he who
B. there take place the non-clinging is attached to the B., 8, 147 ; the
and the destruction of sins, 38, devotee attains to that B. after per
353-6; having destroyed by fruition ceiving which he understands the
all good and evil works, he becomes Pradhâna, 8, 253; final release is
one with B., 38, 362 sq.; 48, 726 sq. ; assimilation with B., 8, 253, 253 n.,
there is absolute non-division from 255 ; 34, 28 sq., 34 ; 38, 329; 45,
B. of the parts merged in it, 38, 413 ; 49 (i), 130; the seat of the B.
376 sq. ; six doors to the B., viz. (brahmayoni) in the self, 8, 257,
fire, wind, waters, moon, lightning, 326, 326 n.; Mind and Speech go
sun, 44, 66 sq., inquiry into the to B., the self of all beings, to ask
mode of the going to B. of him who which of them is superior, 8, 263 sq.
knows, 48,728-43. See also Brahmaand n.; speaking of the B., Speech nirvana. always produces eternal emanci- (b) KNOWLEDGE OF THE B. (NEUT.). pation, 8, 265; tranquillity is the B. is the flower, the secret doceternal B., 8, 277; he who adheres trines are the bees, 1, 40; a father to the B., identifies himself with the may ... tell that doctrine of B. to B., becomes a Brahmakârin, 8, 283 his eldest son, or to a worthy pupil. sq.; there is nothing else more delight. But no one should tell it to anybody ful than that, when there is no dis- clse, even if he gave him the whole sea. tinction from'it ... Entering it, the girt earth, full of treasure, for this twiceborn do not grieve, and do not doctrine is worth more than that, 1, exult. They are not afraid of anybody, 44 ; is perceived by the warmth of and nobody is afraid of them, 8, 285; the body, is seen and heard, 1, 47; those whose wishes are fixed on meditation on B. with reference to good vows, and whose sins are burnt the body and with reference to the
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