created and court of testimony
B.'s mind, th Indra the inoo
preach under the shape of B., 21, (a) B. as priests at religious rites.
(6) B. reverenced as holy and divine beings. 401, 411; Manu the son of self
(c) Duties of B. and restrictions for them. existent B., 25, xii, lvii, lxi, Ixiv, 19, (d) Exceptional laws regarding B.
(c) B. and kings or nobles (Kshatriyas). 19 n., 26; laws of Manu) revealed
() B. in Buddhist and Gaina texts. by B., 25, xv, xvii, xcviii, 19, 354 ; 33, 35, 35 n.; born in the mundane (a) B. AS PRIESTS AT RELIGIOUS egg, 25, 5, 5 n.; 48, 312, 580; RITES. creates and destroys the world over Speaking to B. is auspicious and and over again, 25, 17 sq., 21 sq.; purifying, 2, 34, 221; 30, 184, 199, created animals for sacrifices, 25, 208; to be fed at all rites for gods 175; "the court of (four-faced) or manes, 2, 138, 151 ; 7, 156, 262; B.,' 25, 254 ; true testimony is 14, 256 sq.; 25, 93, 98; 29, 320; revered by B. himself, 25, 268; 30, 119; take the place of sacred created the castes, 25, 326, 413; fire at Sraddhas, 2, 140; 25, 114; in the highest order of beings pro- to be fed at Srâddhas, 2, 143, 148, duced by Goodness, 25, 495, 495 n.; 150 sq., 255; 7, 76 sq., 83-7, messenger of B. invoked against the 253-5; 14, 267, 270 ; 25, 98-111, demons, 30, 212; ordeals ordained 113 sq., 116-24 ; 30, 225, 234-6, and watched by B., 33, 115, 119, 292 sq.; B, who are unfit to be 253, 315; Mahâ-B. is mighty, and invited to a Sraddha, 2, 145; 7, he is only one, 36, 50 ; Brahmans 252 sq. ; 14, 51 sq. ; 25, 103, 107, (pl.), the highest gods, also long for 109, IT; B. who sanctify a comthe righteous man, 36, 221 ; sons of pany at the Srâddha, 2, 146, 259; B.'s mind, 38, 235; compact of Bri- 7, 253-5; 14, 52 sq. ; 25, 110 sq., haspati with Indra and B., 42, 127; 110 n.; represent the deceased the spotless B. is the moon, 44, ancestors at the Sraddha, 7, 85 n., 317; with Soma for his leader, 44, 232-8, 232 n., 250 sq. ; 29, 105-8, 318; B. Katurmukha, Sanaka, and 11, 250-5 ; offerings to the manes similar mighty beings dwelling in offered in the mouth of B., 14, 268; this world, 48, 90; beings from B. 30, 228; are the ancient deities of down to a blade of grass, 48, 156, the funeral sacrifice, 25, 114; an 259, 445, 473; Nârâyana alone enemy of B. excluded from Sraddha existed, not B., nor Siva, 48, 240, feasts, 25, 104; the hand of a B. 461, 522; represents the souls in is the mouth of the Fathers, 29, their collective aspect, 48, 312 sq. ; 254 ;-distribution of food to B. at the Devas from B. downward pos- the end of religious rites, 2, 299; sess a body and sense-organs, 48, 12, 309 n. ; 29, 15 sq., 32, 101, 130, 328-30 ; is created and the Vedas 135, 171, 176, 192, 205, 208, 215, delivered to him, 48, 334 sq.; B. 250, 272, 288, 293, 300, 327, 331-3, and the other gods originated from 336, 338, 349 sq., 354, 374; 30, 14, the Self, 48, 367; eight hundred 38, 84, 93, 158, 160, 175, 184, 203, millions of Brahmans (inhabitants 241, 246, 265, 286, 288 ; offence of the B. worlds) purified by the of neglecting to invite and feed eye of wisdom, 49 (i), 180; a a B. or of insulting him by offering preacher of the Law attains the su- him uneatable food, 7, 33; gifts preme throne of B., 49 (i), 185; B., bestowed on B., 7, 159-61, 181, Vishnu, and Siva, 49 (i), 196-8, 200; 263-70, 274-6; 14, 135-9; 30, precedence of the great B., 49 (ii), 218, 284; 42, 141, 145, 360; 49 (i), 57; the palace of Lord B., 49 (ii), 15, 22; pronounce auspicious words, 172. See also Hiranyagarbha, Saham- benedictions, 7, 215, 237; 29, 172, pati, and Svayambhû; B.'s heaven, 205, 215, 250 ; 30, 95, 137, 158, world of B., see Brahma-world. 160, 162, 184, 203, 204, 241, 269, Brahman, m., t.t., a certain priest. 271, 279, 283 ; sacrifices without See under Priests (a, b).
gifts of food to B. condemned, 8, Brâhmana (masc.), Brahmanas, 119; 25, 93; B. only can be members of the priestly caste. priests, 12, 25, 25 n.; 30. 321 ;
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