union with Brahman, 11, 171--85; Brahmanaspati, invoked to purify various B. teach various paths, such from sin, 14, 251; the lord of as the Addhariya B., the Tittiriya B., Brahman or speecli, 15, 82; the the Khandoka B., the Khandava B., Lord of prayer, a name of the the Brahmakariya B., 11, 171, 171 Creator, 43, xiv; lord of the priest1.; how they recite the Vedas, 11, hood, 43, 73; is the sun, 44, 453; 172 sq.; B. and laymen (brâhmana- invoked at the Pravargya, 44, 453, gahapatika), 11, 258 n., 261 ; behave 476 n., 478; Agni identified with badly at dinners given to them, 13, B., the Brahman priest among the 152; the Lokayata system of the gods, 46, 186, 190; the same as B. not allowed to the Bhikkhus, Brihaspati, q.v. 20, 151 sq.; an honorific title used Brahman-egg, created, 48, 127, by Buddhists and Gainas, 22, xxx; 334, 731. among those who are not attached Brahma-nirvana, t.t., Brahmic bliss, to the world, there is real Brahman- 8, 27 n., 52, 52 n., 176, 176 11. hood, 22, 45; B. a title of Mahâvîra, Brahmanism, germs of Buddhism 22, 63, 66, 82 sqq., &c.; 45, 301, and Gainism in it, 22, xxxii. 301 n., 310; Buddha calls himself Brahman-slaying, see Brahmaa B., i.e. an Arahat, 36, 8, 8 n., Io; hatya, and Brâhmana (d). think themselves the highest among Brahmapura, city of Brahman, 34. men and revile the Bhikkhus, 36, 178. See Brahman (c). 21 sq.; B. only worthy of gifts, Brahmarishi, worshipped, 29, 141. 36, 120 sq. n.; B. and Buddhists, Brahmasamstha, i.e. he who is both reformers, 36, 127 sq. n.; the firmly grounded in Brahman, obtains superiority of monks to B., 45,50-6; immortality, 1, 35. a true monk who is exempt from Brahmasattra, see Veda (c). all Karman is a true B., 45, 138-41; Brahma Sikhin, n, of a Bralinacalled 'holy cats'by Ardraka, 45,417; kâyika god, 21, 5. B. and Samanas, see Holy persons, Brahmasûkta, in the SamhitopaniCastes, Priests, and Srotriyas. shad of the Atharvanas, 38, 62; Brâhmana (neuter), title of texts, 48, 191.
sayings of Brahmans,' applicable Brahma-sûtras, "texts about the to all old prose traditions, 1, lxvi; Brahman,' not the Vedânta-sûtras, several Upanishads occur in B., 1, 8, 31, 102; another name for lxvi sq.; B. and Aranyakas, both Vedanta-sûtras, 34, xiv n.; see liturgical, 1, xci sq.; in the sense of Vedânta-sútras. Upanishad or secret doctrine, 1, Brahmasvaranâdâ bhinandita, n. 264, 264 n.; the B. literature, 12, ix, of the 42nd Tathâgata, 49 (ii), 6. xxii-xxv, xlvii ; B. means a dictum Brahma-upanishad, or the secret on ceremonial, 12, xxii sq.; B. and doctrine of the Veda, its teaching, Mantrasamhitâ to be studied, 25, and its result, 1, 44 ; 34, 94; 48, 144; Grihya ceremonies mentioned 336, 525. in B., 30, xiv-xxii; interpretation of Brahmavarkasa, Sk., t.t., 1, 29 11. Mantras in the B., 32, 29, 56, 359 Brahma-veda = Atharva-veda, 42, sq.; mystic sense, dogmatic explana- xxvii sq., xxviji 1)., xxx, xliii, lix, tion of an oblation, 43, 240; B., Txii-lxvii. Mantras, and arthavâdas, 48, 330; Brahmavidyâ, knowledge of the see also Aitareya-B., Kaushitaki-B. Brahman), see Brahman (1) Pañkavimsa-B., and Satapatha-B. Brahmavidyabharana,on Bauddha Brahmanadhammikasutta, t.c., sects, 34, 4011., 404 sq. n. 10 (ii), 47-52.
Brahma-vihâras, see Meditations. Brâhmanagîtâ, title of a cliapter of Brahma-world (world of the Bral
the Anugîtâ, 8, 256 n., 310 n. man, neut., or of Brahman, masc.), Brahmananda-vallî, the second all creatures day after day go into Adhyâya of the Taittirîyaka-Upani- the B., and yet do not discover it, shad, 15, xxvii sq.
1, 129; 48, 317 sq.; deep sleep is
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