to the origination of the world, 34, 267; is different from the world, 34, 284; 48, 188 sq., 413 sq., 417; the order in which the elements are retracted into B. is the reverse of that in which they are created, 38, 25 sq.; 48, 402-6; by offering up his own self in the creatures, and the creatures in his own self, B. compassed lordship over all creatures, 44, 417 sq.; the world (Pradhâna, Prakriti) constitutes its body, 48, 93, 135, 406, 419-24, 518 sq., 542, 544; was the wood, the tree from which they shaped heaven and earth, 48, 401; the maker, the Lord, the Person, the womb, 48, 407; the non-difference of the world from B., the highest cause, proved, 48, 430-67; the entire world springs from Nescience attached to B., which in itself is absolutely unlimited, 48, 445; where B. abides during pralaya and creation, 48, 460; effects by its mere will and wish the creation of the world, 48, 471 sq.; divides itself into ether, air, &c., 48, 473; devoid of parts, yet creates, 48, 473 sq.; B. and the world related, as the snake and its coils, 48, 618-21; the power of creating and ruling the world belongs to B. only, not to the released soul, 48, 766-71. See also Cause. (f) THE B. (NEUT.) AND THE INDI
The recognition of the self in man as identical with the highest Self or B. is the highest object of the Upanishads, 1, xxv; 15, xxvi; 34, xxxii, civ sq., 22-47, 265 sq.; 48, 174-200, 255 sq.; Atman or Self is one with the B., 1, xxx; 15, 36, 178-81, 237, 290 sq.; 34, 14, 30 sq., 36, 45, 79, 105, 241, 264 sq.; 38, 209, 288; 48, 23 sq., 184, 191, 205, 258, 560, 564, 658; relation of the individual soul to B., 1, 84; 34, xix, xxx sqq., lvii sqq., xcvii-c, 64289; 38, 61-73, 396 sq.; 48, 195 sq., 257-353, 393, 459, 559, 561; thou art that (tat tvam asi), 1, 101-9; 34, xxvii, xlix, 23, 31, 54-6, 104, 113, 115 sq., 122, 125, 185, 197, 250 sq., 266, 279, 321-3, 326, 343, 345; 38, 32, 46, 65 sq., 138, 140, 173, 197,
209 sq., 238, 243, 291, 333-7, 339, 370, 397, 408; 48, 126, 129-38, 184, 191, 203 sq., 209, 214-18, 228 sq., 344, 458, 467, 541, 560, 564, 659, 759; colloquy of the departed and B., 1, 278 sq.; it dwells not on earth, nor in the sky, &c., but only in the self of the devoted man, 8, 179 sq.; man, being abandoned by the B. (i.e. the mind), is said to be dead, 8, 238; individual soul and B. are absolutely one, 8, 241; 14, 278, 278 n.; 34, xx, xxv, xxvii, xxx, 104, 114-16, 322, 343 sq.; 38, 30, 31, 33 sq., 42 sqq., 138, 146, 149; 48, 21, 102, 269, 467; the B. and the released soul, the released soul united with the B., 8, 248, 250; 34, xxx, 157, 178, 180 sq., 191; 38, 392-402, 408 sq.; 48, 160, 192, 296-8, 354; I am B., 15, 88; 34, 31, 44, 104, 115, 185, 326; 38, 32, 46, 66, 173, 339, 355, 408; is the principle from which a mortal springs again after death, 15, 150 sq.; he only who is alone, i.e. knows his self to be one with B., is satisfied, 15, 236; My soul (âtman) dwells in the B. that it may be immortal,' 30, 228; the soul is a part of B., 34, xxv; 48, 558-67; both matter and the individual souls are real constituents of B.'s nature, 34, xxviii; in it the individual soul is merged in the state of deep sleep, 34, Ixi sq., 180, 273; 38, 144-9, 152-66, 176; 48, 604 sq.; individual soul different from B., 34, 114-16, 344 sq.; 48, 209, 242, 256, 427 sq., 468 sq., 658; soul and B. both different and nondifferent, 34, 277 n., 345; 48, 191; is superior to the individual soul, 34, 345; is 'that,' the inward Self is thou,' 38, 335; has individual souls for its body, 48, 130, 132, 141 sq., 254, 392, 394, 406, 435-7, 469 sq.; is the internal ruler of the individual souls, 48, 132-4, 607-11; the soul has its Self in B., 48, 133 sq., 141; B., soul, and matter, in their relation, 48, 138-45, 227; imparts to the released souls infinite bliss, 48, 198 sq.; the Person of the size of a thumb is B., 48, 325-7, 347-9; all beings are effects of B., and hence have B. for their inner Self, 48,
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