gods, 1, 53 sq., 58, 151 sq., 152 n.; Fathers; as in the water, he is seen 15, 67 sq.; shining of the face of about in the world of the Gandharvas ; one who knows B., 1, 64, 67 ; medi- as in light and shade, in the world tations on B. and their results, 1, of Brahma, 15, 22 ; can only be 66 sq. ; 34, Ixv-Ixxv, 25, 31, 94, apprehended by the words 'He is.' 105-11, 174 ; 38, 19 n., 177 sq., 15,23; knowledge of B. the founda184-284, 333-7, 342-5, 402;
tion of all knowledge, told by xxiv, 400; 48, 26, 82 sq., 99
Brahmâ, 15, 27 sq.; only pious 155 sq., 185-9, 255, 294, 651 sq., Brâhmanas worthy of receiving the 715 sq. ; we know B., and yet do science of B., 15, 41 sq.; he who not know it, 1, 148 sq., 149 n. ; by
knows the B. as non-existing becomes knowledge of B. we obtain immor- himself non-existing ; he who knows tality or final release, 1, 149; 8, 77,
the B. as existing, him we know him103; 15, 245, 258 sq., 322; 34,
self as existing, 15, 57; he who 41-3, 283 ; 38, 285, 290--306, 355 ;
knows that he is B. becomes all 18, 83, 198, 274 sq., 624; he who
this, 15, 88; teaching of B. by No, knows that highest B. becomes even B., no, 15, 108, 185; 34, Ixiv ; 38, 1, 276 sq.; 8,81; 15, 41, 54, 256 sq. ; 166-75; 48, 611 sq., 615-18, 661; 31, 25, 29, 31, 186; 38, 375-7; 48,
is a deity about which we are not 16, 18, 23, 100, 183, 188, 192, 209 sq., to ask too much, 15, 131; in B. 214, 233 sq., 392, 681, 686; dis- knowledge and ignorance are hidcussion on B. between Bâlâki and den, 15, 255; no sins ever approach Agâtasatru, 1, 300-7; texts giving him who knows B., 15, 319 ; means instruction about the B.. 8. 102: of the worship and knowledge of is the sole, the highest object of B., 15, 343 sq.; teaching the B., 25, meditation or knowledge, 8, 104, 127
51; knowledge of B. purifies, 25, sq., 310, 369; 48, 87, 311-14, 395,
187 sq.; knowledge of B. increased 637-85, 689 sq.; meditation leads
by Brâhmanic rites and Veda-study, to union with B., 8, 128, 128 n.; 25, 204 ; 48, 147; ascetics recite 15, 301; understanding of the B. texts and meditate on B.,25,205 sq.; by means of the Vedas, 8, 147,
knowledge of B. the subject of the 171-4, 369; 34, 10, 23 sqq.; know- Grânakânda, 34, X, Ixx, lxxviii sq., ledge of the B. the highest achieve- 9-15, 19, 31, 73, 138, 157, 159, 324; ment of a Brâhmana, 8, 160, 182; 38, 8, 162 sqq., 378, 393; on the 25, 25, 25 n.; the gods inferior to qualification of gods for brahma-vidya those who know the B., 8, 161, or knowledge of B., 34, xxxvii, 216161 n.: 15, 40; Brahma-vidyâ, the 23; 48, 326-35 ; Sûdras not qualified eternal mystery, 8, 166, 166 n.: for brahma-vidyâ, 34, xxxvii, 223-9; knowledge of B. acquired by living 48, 337-47; Scripture does not conthe life of a Brahmakarin, 8, 175-9; tradict itself on the all-important not to be seen in the four Vedas, point of B., 31, xl, 263-8; is to 8, 179 sq. ; attained by means of be known only from Scripture knowledge, not by works, 8, 180, (Vedânta texts, Upanishads), 34, 185; 15, 39; knowledge of the B. lxiv sq., 22-47, 307, 350-2, 355 ; will not lead to littleness, 8, 191; 48, 3, 74 sq., 155, 161-74, 255, Krishna declared to Arguna the 617 sq.; different modes or forms Supreme B., the seat of the B., of meditation on B., 34, Ixvii sq., 8, 230 sq.; is not to be apprehended Ixxiv, lxxvi, 107-9 ; 38, 201-4, 337by the senses, but only by the mind, 40; 48, 629-43; knowledge of B. 8, 257 sq. ; 15, 22, 39; Ganaka turns is not subordinate to action, but the wheel, the nave of which is the independent, 34, Ixxt, 10-12, 29; B., 8, 306; knowledge of B. ob- 38, 285-95 ; fruit or result of knowtained by penance and sacred learn- ledge of B., 34, 11, 14, 18, 24 sq., ing, 8, 308; as in a mirror, so B. 26-9, 231, 266, 300, 327; 38, 117 may be seen clearly) here in this body; n., 229 sq., 236, 353-63, 372-5, as in a dream, in the world of the 419; 48, 5, 7; conditions for engag
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