Brahmadvîpikâ-Sâkhâ, founded by Arya Samita, 22, 293. Brahmagala Suttanta, where and when spoken, 20, 376; on the sixtytwo heresies, 36, xxiii-xxv. Brahmaghosha, n. of a Tathagata, 49 (ii), 6 sq., 100. Brahma-gîtâ, subtitle of part of Anugîtâ, 8, 310 n. Brahma Gyotishprabha, n. of a Brahmakâyika god, 21, 5. Brahmahatyâ (Brahman-slaying personified), expiatory oblation and formula to, 44, 337 n., 340 sq. Brahma Kalpa, the Laukântika Vimânas are eightfold in, 22, 195. Brahmakârin, religious student, student of the Veda: to dwell as a B. in the house of a tutor, a branch of the law, 1, 35; approaches his teacher, carrying fuel in his hands, 1, 85, 135, 137, 139 sq., 273, 306; duties and restrictions imposed on B., 2, xxii sq., 7-29, 182-5, 186-92; 7, 116-21, 123-31; 8, 216 sq., 360 sq.; 14, 40-2, 149-58; 25, 37-44, 50-74; 29, 66, 68, 73-6, 80, 83 sq., 191-3, 223, 306, 308-10, 402; 30, 66 sq., 151, 157, 160 sq., 274; 33, 132 sq.; 44, 48-50, 90; 48, 695; the Naishithika or perpetual B. who always lives with his teacher, 2, 18, 18 n., 153, 192 n., 193; 7, 120; 8, 377 n.; 14, 40 sq., 258; 25, 73 sq.; 38, 318 sq.; rules for the B. who has returned home from his teacher, 2, 27-32, 37, 48-54, 66 sq.; 8, 358 n.; 25, 73-5; see also Samâvartana ; penances for a B. who breaks his vows, esp. that of chastity, 2, 85 sq., 288-90, 294 sq.; 14, 117-19, 214-16, 294 sq., 318 sq.; 25, 63 sq., 70, 454 sq., 462 sq.; 29, 361 sq.; 30, 317; 38, 318-20; 48, 706; eats much, 2, 123; 14, 265 sq., 281; sin of the B. who breaks the vow of chastity, 2, 281 sq.; is exempt from fare or toll, 7, 36; 25, 325; laws of impurity (on death, &c.) for a B., 7, 96; 14, 177; 25, 179 sq., 183-5, 192 sq.; his initiation, 7, 114 sq.; 44, 86 sq.; see also Upanayana; the Yogin should adhere to the rules of a B., 8, 69, 79; life as a B. is a good penance, 8, 119; gods and demons practise the life of B., 8, 146, 151
sq., 152 n.; practising the life of a B. is immortality, 8, 153; life as a B., part of the conduct of the good, 8, 169, 242, 326; knowledge of Brahman acquired by living the life of a B., 8, 175-9; he who adheres to the Brahman, identifying himself with the Brahman, becomes a true B., 8, 283 sq.; a pupil described as a self-restrained ascetic and a B., 8, 312; life of B., the first of the four Asramas, 8, 316, 354 n.; 38, 298, 300; must be engaged in sacred study, 8, 360 sq.; the ascetic must live as a B., 8, 364; the sacrifice taught by the father to his son when he is a B., 12, 162; rules for B. in sickness, 14, 214 sq.; costume of B., 25, 37 sq.; 32, 232-4; entertained at Srâddhas, 25, 64 sq., 110; duration of studentship, 25, 74 sq.; 29, 309; must receive food at the Vaisvadeva, 25, 92; 29, 86; one who has broken his vow of studentship excluded from Srâddha and from the company of honourable men, 25, 104, 107; 38, 320; offence of personating a B., 25, 160; shall not perform obsequies except for parents and teacher, 25, 183 sq. n.; cannot be made a witness, 25, 265; 33, 88; must not eat Srâddha food, 25, 462 sq. and n.; ceremony on his setting out on a journey, 29, 90, 230 sq.; shall not be a charioteer, 29, 364; duties of B. undergoing special vows, 30, 707; law regarding the property of a B., 33, 243 sq.; B.= 'pure in conduct,' said of Buddha, 35, 117 sq.; glorification of the sun as a B., 42, 214-17, 626-8; initiates the Unnetri for the sacrificial session, 44, 137. See also Holy persons, Teacher, Veda (c), and Women (d). Brahmakârin, n. of a Ganadhara of Pârsva, 22, 274. Brahma/ariyam (Pali), 'noble life,' different meaning from Sk. brahmakarya, 11, 285 n. Brahmakarya, Sk., t.t., religious studentship, 44, 86, 86 n.; life as a Brahmakârin, see Brahmakârin; the yow of abstinence, esp. chastity, see Abstinence and Chastity. Brahmakâyas, or Brahmakâyikas,
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