left wing, 43, 136, 139; flesh of b. 5, 782; talking Hamsas (flamingoes), not to be eaten by one who has 1, 56, 62 sq.; the miraculous power built a fire-altar, 43, 296; contract of Hamsas, of going through the and expand their wings and tail, 43, ether, 10(i), 47 sq. and n.; Hamsa, 300, 301 sg.; are the people of a name of the Self, 15, 371; flamingo King Târkshya, 44, 369; mythic b. is able to distinguish and separate on the Hôm tree, 47, 24 sq.; praise milk and water when mixed, 38, Buddha, the Law, and the Church, 149; the hamsa b. (the soul the 49 (ii), 96 sq., 174.
sun?) does not rest at night, 42, 28, (b) SOME SPECIAL, REAL, AND 462 ; hawks sacrifice b., 27, 283 sq. ; MYTHICAL B.
simile of the house-pigeon, 36, 344 ; The little bird which bustles with simile of the Kakraváka b., 36, 340 the sound 'ahalak' represents the sq.; the gigantic b. Kamak slain by people, 44, 325; the b. Amritaváká Keresâsp, 18, 378 1., 381; 24, 63, produces the Kshiprasyena, 43, 370, 63 p. ; mythical b. Kamrós, 5, 70, 370 n.; the holy b. Ashô-zust that too, 100 n. ; 23, 173 n., 210 n.; the eats nail-parings, 4, 192, 192 n.; 5, b. Karshipta brings the religion of 71; 24, 275 sq., 275 n.; the Bha- Mazda into the Vara of Yama, 4, runda b. with two necks and three 20; the b. Karsipt knew how to legs, 22, 261; 45, 19; the holiness speak words, 5, 70, 70 sq. n. ; the of the cock, the bird of Sraosha, 4, mythic b. Kinámrós, 24, 112, 112 n.; 196-200, 197 n. ; the b. Parôdars simile of the owl, 36, 344 sq. ; or Kahrkatâs (Karetô-dãsu), i.e. the simile of the Penahikâ b., 36, 342 cock, that awakes the worshipper in sq.; fabulous gigantic b. Phăng, the morning, 4, 197, 197 n., 199; 39, 164 sq., 164 n., 165 n., 167; the 23, 322, 322 sq. n.; cocks and fowls voices of the phoenixes, as a token crow, driving away wizards and of prosperity, 3, 209, 209 n.; the demons, 5, 330 sq., 331 n. ; 24, 293 phoenix a b. of good omen, 3, 406, sq.; similes of the cock, 36, 280- 406 n.; the raven of Verethraghna, 283; value of the domestic cock, and the raven's feather, 23, 24137, 163; how a fighting.cock is 3; Saệna or Simurgh on the tree trained, 40, 20, 20 n.; the female of all seeds, 23, 173 n., 210 n. ; the crane conceives without a male, 34, swallow instrumental in the birth 348 ; 38, 126; simile of the Indian of Hsieh, 3, 307, 307 n. ; there is crane, 36, 345, 345 n.; the crow, no b. wiser than the swallow, 40, the Kandâla among birds, 2, 266 n.; 38 sq., 39 n.; Apsaras in the shape simile of the crow, 36, 296 sq.; of swans, 44, 70; the eyesight of dogs and black b. (crows) classed the vulture, 23, 240, 267. See also with women and Sûdras, 44, 446; Animals, Omens, and Parables (c). 'a crow at a tîrtha,' i.e. a person Birth; conception is first b.; when in a wrong place, 49 (ii), 94 n.; the the child is born, that is the second eyeball of the divine eagle, 42, 68, b. ; when departing from hence he 401; the talon-slaying eagle, king is born again, that is his third b., 1, of birds, created from Indra's 243 sq. ; miraculous b., 3, 423 sq. courage, 44, 215; courage, the and n.; 19, 2 sq.; 49 (i), 6; the sway of birds, secured by the two rite of initiation a second b., 7, feathers of an eagle, 44, 221, 230; 119, 127; 8, 176; to one that dies, the falcon (syena) is first, strongest b. is certain, 8, 45; Krishna has among b., 8, 353; 26, 80; a falcon passed through many b., 8, 58 sq.; formed of the Gayatri, an eagle from all beings are deluded at the time the Trishtubh, 44, 173; the b. of b., 8, 76, 116; men of sinful b., Garuda, Garutmat, see separately; 8, 85, 255; b. and death are from the griffon b. on the tree of all seeds, God, 8, 86; the self the source of 5, 71, 176 ; 23, 173 n., 210 n. ; 24, God's b., 8, 194; Kâsyapa knew 112, 112 n.; the griffon b. and the the truth about b. and death, 8, bat different from all otherb., 232; the soul coming to the b., 8.
248 ; 38, 126; simile
. the crow,
no b. Wise. Apsaras in the shape
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