239; mode of b. is fourfold, viz. the share of the Rakshas, 12, 265 from eggs, from germs, from per- sq.; charms against the flow of b., spiration, and from wombs, 8, 339; 42, 22, 45, 174, 234, 257, 385, 183, the true b. should be reckoned 531; oblations of b., 44, 394. from conception, 13, 229; existence Blood-money, see Homicide. by apparitional b. in Sukhâvatî, 21, Bloodshed, see Homicide. 417; what b. means when applied Boar, see Animals (k). to the sprout, 34, 340; the terms Boat, see Parables (f).
b.' and death,' if applied to the Bodha and Pratibodha, the alert soul, have a metaphorical meaning, and the watehful divinities, 42, 54, 38, 28 sq.; may take place without 60, 571. the 'five oblations,' i.e. not in the Bodhầyana, 1, of Baudhầyana, giren ordinary way, 38, 125 sq. ; a in MSS., 14, xliii n.; composed a woman, a cow, or a mare brings vritti on the Vedânta-sûtras, 34. forth within the space of a year, 44, xxi; 48, 3; quoted by Râmânuga, 12; man is born thrice, first from 34, xxi; author of the Kalpa-sâtra, his parents, a second time by sacri- 34, xxi. fice, a third time when his dead Bodhi, a king's son. shows hosbody is placed on the fire, 44, 23-5. pitality to Buddha and the Bhikkhus, See also Child, Generation, Im- 20, 125-9. purity, Life, Man, and Transmi- Bodhi, Sk. and Pali, t.t., enlightengration,
ment, or highest perfect knowledge, Bishkalâ, deity (?) of parturition, see Knowledge (c). 42, 99, 245.
Bodhi tree, sce Trees, Bîtak, n.p., 5, 134; 47, 34, 140. Bodhiruki, translated the VagBivandangha, n.p., 23, 210, 2101), rakkhedikâ into Chinese, 49 (ii), Blessedness, see Ashi Vanguhi. xiii. Blessing, see Bliss, and Prayers. Bodhisatta (Pali), or Bodhisattva Blind, the b. ones did not damage (Sk.), a Bodisat, one whose esAgni by looking at him (?), 46, sence is enlightenment,' i.e. one 173, 175. See also Parables (f). destined to become a Buddha, a Blindness is the equality of dark- Buddha Elect, or a future Buddha ; ness, 8, 320, 322.
the infant Buddha called B., 10 (ii), Bliss (Sk.ânanda), when one obtains 125; when a B. is born or dies b., then one performs saered duties, there is an earthquake, 11, 46 sq.; 1, 122; the Infinite is b., 1, 123; King Sudassana a B., 11, 239, 241, the b, of Brahman, 15, 54-63; 34, 285-8; by Buddha's power the 67; 38, 201-4; various degrees of earth bursts open and innumerable B. b. described, 15, 59-62, 171 sq.; is arise from within the clefts, who pay Brahman, 15, 66; 34, 65, 75; what homage to Buddha, whose disciples is the nature of b.? 15, 157 ; Brah- they all have been, 21, xxx, 281-97, man is the cause of b., 34, 67; +42; different meanings of the absolute b. the result of higher term B., 21, xxxiv-xxxvii ; epithets knowledge, 34, 138; (Brahman as) of B., 21, 3; list of names of B., the bhûman is b., 34, 163, 168; 21, 3 sq.; become visible in the attaches to the state of deep sleep, Buddha-fields, 21, 7 sq., 66 sq.; 49 34, 163, 164, 168; the Self consist. (ii), 17 sq.; grand feats of charitaing of b. (ânandamaya) is the highest bleness, and a great variety of good Self, 34, xxxiji sq., 64-77; 48, 209- actions performed by B., 21, 11-15; 37 ; constitutes the nature of the the six perfections and perfect enself, 34, 168; highest b., see Highest lightenment preached to them, 21, Good, and Nirvana.
18; will in future be Buddhas, 21, Blood, how food turns into b., 8, 60; the vehicle of the B., 21, 78252 ; scmen and b. produced by 80, 88 sq.; compared to trees, 21, Samâna and Vyâna, 8, 275; the b. 126 sq.; compared to great Rishis of the victim at animal sacrifices is with transcendent faculties, 21, 134;
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