moving on aerial cars, 21, 199; Body, anything separated from the rules of conduct for B. who are b. (like cuttings of hair, nail-parings) to preach the law, 21, 262-73; considered as dead matter, and rewards of the B. who are wise hence impure, 4, Ixxviii sq., 190, preachers of the law, 21, 274-80; 190 n.; 5, 205, 246, 246 1., 254; the different grades of B., 21, 311. nail-paring seized by the demons, sq., 314 sq.; hospitality towards 5, 71; precautions in cutting hair Pratyekabuddhas and B., 21, 318, and nails, 5, 207, 207 n. ; 24, 275 318 n.; the term B. used in the sq. ; 37, 162; nail-paring prayed sense of religious preachers, 21, over lest it turn into weapons of 338, 338 n., 340-51; their body is demons, 5, 342 ; Snâtakas and herpure and clear, and the world with mits to wear hair and nails unall beings is mirrored in it, 21, clipped, 25, 139 sq., 140 n., 199; 349 sqq.; Buddha deposits and en- Snâtaka not to step on bodily refuse, trusts his perfect enlightenment 25, 141, 150; see also Hair;---lucky into the hands of the B., 21, 440 and unlucky marks of the b., 7, sq. ; the B. Vessantara, 35, 178; 230 sq. ; 10 (ii), 189; 11, 196 sq. ; 36, 114-32; for each B. everything 14, 35, 35 n., 53 ; 25, 153, 228 ; 43, is settled beforehand when and 81, 81n., 95; 45, 113, 366 sq. ; where he is to be born and to unlucky marks of the b. due to become enlightened, 35, 270-2; crimes committed in former births, the B. as a god in Tusita heaven, 14, 108 sq. ; 25, 440 sq. ; auspicious 35, 271, 292; 49 (i), 4; how Deva- and inauspicious bodily marks of datta, in former births, could be a bride, 25, 75-7; 29, 21, 165 ; 30, equal or superior to the B., 35, 283 42, 257; bodily marks foreshadow-93, 293 n.; the B. always meets ing the greatness of a man, 35, 17;with certain persons, such as Deva- the worthlessness, impurity, fragility, datta or Sâriputta, in different and transitoriness of the human b., births, 35, 291 sq.; the conduct 7, 281-3; 8, 44 sq., 245, 343; 10 of the B. Lomasa Kassapa de- (i), 14, 17, 41 sq., 54, 54 n. ; (11), fended, 36, 16-19; the B. as an xvi, 32 sq., 147; 15, 288, 298 sq. ; elephant, and as the Brahman 22, 24, 44; 25, 212; 45, 8, 89 sq. ; Gotipâla, 36, 20-2; teachers of the meditations on the b., 7, 281-6; 8, B., 36, 43-6; ten qualities of B., 36, 252; the bonds of the b., 8, 107; 116; differences between B., 36, this b., void of enlightenment, seems 132 sq. and n.; why did the B. a hell, 8, 155; the transient b. Gotama undergo penance ? 36, 132- abandoned by the devotee, 8, 250, 44; the B. Gotama becomes dis- 253; b. tied down by action, 8, gusted with the world, seeing the 307; freed from the b., the devotee women in his harem, 36, 135 sq., is released, 8, 331; passions and 135 n.; all B. pursue sexual sins proceed from the b., 10 (ii), pleasures, until a son is born to 46; leave the b. behind, that thou them, 49 (i), 26; Buddha addresses mayest never come to exist again, the Nirmitâ B., 49 (i), 155 sq., 10 (ii), 209; how a Bhikkhu is to 155 n.; pay homage to Buddha, 49 regard the b., 11, 38; passion for (i), 156-8; come to worship Ami- a b., spiritual bondage, 11, 225 sq., tâyus, 49 (ii), 46-8; will be born in 230; twelve impurities of the Sukhâvatî, 49 (ii), 66 sq.; instructed human b., 25, 193; the product of by the Buddha, 49 (ii), Iu-13; nescience, 34, 244; the b. compared there will always be B. even in the to a wound, 35, 115; ten qualities periods of corruption, 49 (ii), 115- inherent in the b., 36, 75 sq.;-b. 17, 115 sq. n. See also Buddha (c), and soul, the b. explained as the and Holy Persons.
Kshetra, or 'field,' the soul being Bodhisattvâvadâna - kalpalatâ, the knower of the field,' 7, 286 sq.;
t.w., by Kshemendra, 36, xvii. 8, 102-6; acquisition of the b. by Bodisat, see Bodhisatta.
the self, 8, 4; purity of self attained
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