maji, discussion od Agâtasatru, 1; burdle of s
Balâbhigia, n. of a Tathậgata, 49 253; country of b. to be avoided (ii), 67.
by the wandering Gaina mendicant, Baladevas are never born in low 22, 137 sq. ; Asuras speak like b., families, 22, 225; the mothers of 26, 31 sq. ; do not understand the B. wake up after seeing four auspi- language of Aryas, 45, 241. cious dreams, 22, 246.
Barber, legend of the old b. who Bâlakalonakâra-gâma, Buddha at, became a Bhikkhu, 17, 140-2. 17, 308.
Baremna, n.p., 23, 216. Bâlâki, discussion on Bralıman be- Bareshnûm, see Purification. tween Gârgya B. and Agâtasatru, 1, Baresma (Baresôm, Barsom), t.t., 300-7; 15, 100-5; 34, cv, 268-74; burdle of sacred twigs, held by the 48, 378-80, 383; addressed, 44, 165. Parsi priest when reciting prayers, See also Gârgya.
4, 22 sq., 22 n., 50, 61 sq.; 5, lxxii, Balakôshtha, chief of a Kândâla 212, 227, 229; 18, 142, 142 11., 164 tribe, 45, 50 11.
sq. and n. ; 24, 103, 103 n. ; 37, 96, Bâlamukhyâ, the Bhikshu Manthâla- 162 sq. and n.; consecration of B.
gautama seduced by her, 49 (i), 38 sq. for sacrifices, 4, 207 ; 5, 283 sq., Balance, the right edge of the Vedi 284 sq. n., 307, 33, 338, 370; the a b., in which the Sacrificer is trees that yield up B. orshipped, weighed, 44, 45. See also Ordeals. 4, 214 sq. and n.; 23, 158 ; the Balasri, or Mrigậputra, q.v.
sacrificer must keep his eyes on the Balbika Prâtipîya, the Kauravya B., 4, 215, 215 1. ; the plucking of king, 44, 269, 272.
the B. twigs, 4, 289 n. ; the pre. Balhikas, n. of a people, 42, 2, 446, paration of the B., 4, 357 n., 359, 448 sq.
361, 363, 365; 5, 205; to be kept Bali, a chief of demons, 21, 6; free from pollution, 5, 251; 18, Namuki represents B. in the Gaina 432 sq. ; defiled by the look of a version of the myth of the three menstruous woman, 5, 278 sq., 281, strides of Vishnu, 45, 86 n.; a 283 sq., 285; 24, 334, 334 n.; younger brother of Dhruva, 49 (i), spread in three, five, seven, and 94; Indra, B., and Nahusha, 49 (i), nine bundles, 31, 299, 299 n. 113; world of the dead, the domain Baresôm, see Baresma. of B., 49 (i), 197
Barhis, Sk., t.t., the sacrificial grass Bali, Sk., t.t., certain offerings. See (spread for the gods at Hindu sacriSacrifices (i).
fices), offerings made to it, 12, 147Baligsaha, disciple of Mahậgiri, 22, 50, 153, 157, 233, 235, 319, 321, 289.
400 n.; offered up at the end of Eambhâri, guardian of Soma, 26, 72. sacrifice, 12, 264; B. means offBâmdâd, Mazdík son of, 5, 194, spring, 12, 428, +36; sacred kusa 201.
grass trimmed and spread out for Bâna, his date, 8, 28 sq.; refers to the gods, 32, 81, 84 sq.; the simplest the Nârada-smriti, 33, xviii.
form of an altar, 32, 380; the forest Bandhu, a Gaupâyana, 46, 415. plants its essence, 44, 21; spread Banishment, see Samgha.
out at sacrifices, the geds invited to Eanners, see War.
sit on it, 46, 6, 8, 13, 38, 43, 153, Barashnûm, see Purifcation.
198, 209, 228 sq., 236, 257, 266, Barazak, the causer of strife, 37, 340, 348, 367, 414, 418; sprinkled 203, 203 n.
with butter, 46, 8; they have spread Barâzd = Ibairaz, one of tle im- the eastward-turned sacrificial grass, mortals, 18, 258 sq. n.
46, 179; the divine B. invoked in Barbarians (Mlekkbas), a Snataka Apri hymns, 46, 198, 377. must not speak to, 2, 220; 7, 228; Barku Vârshna, his opinion as to talking to b. defiles, 7, 95 ; after fast-day fcod, 12, 5; says that sight having bathed, one must not con- is Brahman, 15, 155. verse with b., 7, 205; the term Barmâyûn, n.p., and Katâyûn were "barbarian countries' explained, 7, with Frêdûn, 5, 133.
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