Barmâyûn, the ox, see Animals (i). Kârttika removes every sin, 7, Barrenness, five kinds of spiritual 265; b. in Mâgha and Phalguna b. (pañka kete khila), and the means procurcs the advantages attending to be freed froin them, 11, 221-5, an eclipse of the sun or mcon, 7, 228 sq., 232.
270; he who bathes in a river and Barsom, see Baresma.
worships King Dharma on the 14th Bartarûsh prophesies the future of day of both halves of every month Zoroaster, 47, xxi.
is purified from sin, 7, 270; purity Barzinkarûs, Zoroaster confided to of self attained by b., 8, 64 n.; his care, 47, xxi.
performed with a view of deliverBarzû Qiyamu-d-dîn, Dastûr, his ance from Varuna's power, 12, 406 account of the Nasks, 37, 433, sq. and n.; b. of a readmitted 433 n.
outcast, 14, 78; a rite of purificaBâshkala, teacher, worshipped at tion, 14, 171, 182 sq ; 25, 178 sq., the Tarpana, 29, 123.
181, 183, 187, 194; before the Basi, n. of a Daêva, 23, 49 sq., 49 n. twilight devotions, 14, 246; exBastavairi, n.p., 23, 207, 207 n. piatory rites connected with b., 14, Bat, see Animals (k).
249-52; 29, 247; ceremony of b., Bath, Bathing.
on entering the order of ascetics,
14, 278; at rites securing success, (2) Occasions for which it is enjoined. (5) Persons for whom it is enjoined.
14, 323; at the Dîkshâ, 26, 8 sq.; (a) OCCASIONS FOR WHICH IT IS
avabhritha, or expiatory b. at the
end of the Soma sacrifice, 26, 378ENJOINED.
85, 422 sq.; 41, 87, 185; 44, 96, As a penar ce or part of a penance,
121 sq. and n., 138, 211, 264-9, 2, 81, 85-7, 89, 277, 279 sq., 284,
343 sq. (asvamedha), 438 ; the 292, 295, 297; 7, 88 sq., 91, 93-5,
avabhritha identified with death, 1, 121, 149, 151, 157, 165, 167, 174,
52; 38, 221; purificatory b. (sûla176, 181; 14, 30, 110 sq., 114,
vabhritha) after the animal sacrifice, 121 sq., 124, 127 sq., 183, 212, 218,
26, 215-17; suspended during 223, 241, 295 sq., 312, 318 sq., 322;
mourning, 27, 181; b. before the 25, 453, 457, 466, 469, 472, 474-6,
Tarpana rite, 29, 120 ; at the end 482 ; the student's solemn b. which
of the Godâna rite, 29, 186; before terminates his period of student
auspicious or magic rites, 29, 291; ship, 2, 92 sq., 192, 216, 216 n.; 7,
before the Upanayana, 30, 271; 120, 120 n; 14, 156, 158; 29, 91 sq., before undervei
before undergoing an ordeal, 33, 227, 230, 312 sq., 315, 379 sq., 407
105, 10, 116, 118; of the judge sq.; 30, 82 sq., 161 sq., 165 $9., before administering an ordeal, 33, 275-7; 44, 49 sq. (like the con
250. cluding offering of a sacrifice); be
(b) PERSONS FOR WHOM IT IS fore sacrificing, 2, 156; after the
ENJOINED. funeral ceremony, 2, 278; 14, 90; Rules about b for Snatakas. 2. 29, 243, 246 ; 44, 438; distress and
97; 25, 142, 149, 160; 29, 124, misfortune, bad dreams and evil thoughts are taken from him even
126; enjoined for the Brahmakârin, who only sprinkles himself with water:
2, 186 sq.; 14, 42; 25, 62; a that is the law. He who regularly
Snâtaka shall bathe frequently, 2, takes the prescribed bath every morn
219; a Snâtaka must not bathe ing), does 1.0t experience the tortures naked, 2, 225; 29, 317; the student of Yama's hell. By the regular bath must plunge into the waters criminals even oblain their absolution, like a stick, 7, 116, 116 sq. n.; 7, 208; after an eclipse of sun or rules about b. for householders, 7, moon, 7, 218; before eating, he 204-8; 14, 238; a hermit must must sprinkle his feet, hands, and bathe at morning, noon, and evenface, 7, 2.0; merely b. in sacred ing, 7, 277 ; 8, 361; 14, 45, 259; places or Tîrthas confers eternal 25, 199, 202 sq.; enjoined for the bliss, 7, 256; b. in the month ascetic, 8, 364; 14, 2' 1 sq. ; some
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