was in a former birth the prince is a Brâhmana by birth, or by deeds, Vimalanetra, 21, 430.
and their conversion by Buddha, 10 Bhaksha (Drink personified), ex- (ii), 108–17; Vâsettha and Bh., two piatory oblation to Bh. at a mishap young Brâhmanas, go to Buddha to in the Soma-sacrifice, 44, 210. ask him about the true path to Bhakti or Faith, in the Bhagavad- union with Brahman; Buddha ingitâ, 8, 441; but see Faith ; Bh. in structs them, and they are finally the Svetâsvatara-Upanishad, and converted, 11, 168-203; n. of a the Sândilya-sûtras, 15, xxxiv. Rishi, 11, 172; n. of teachers, 15, Bhala, the sun worshipped with the 118, 118 n., 119, 186 n., 187; n. of formula ‘To Bh. svâhâ,' 30, 120. an eminent Arbat, 21, 2; Sthaviras Bhâllabeya, or Bhâllaveya, his of the Bh. gotra, 22, 286, 291; woropinions quoted, 12, 206, 293 ; 44, shipped at the Tarpana, 29, 123; a 354, 393.
tree talking to Bh., 35, 241; quoted, Bhallavins, the Nidâna (a Vedic 43, 352. See Aggika Bh., Gardawork) of the, 14, 3; quoted, 14, bhîvibhita Bh., Kasi Bh., Pindola 147; a mantra of the Bh., 38, 227 Bh., Satyavâha Bh., Sukesas Bh., sq.
Sundarika Bh. Bhallika, a merchant, one of the Bharadvâga, relation between the two first lay-disciples of Buddha, schols of Bh. and Apastamba, 2, 13, 81-4 ; 49 (i), 166 sq.
xvi, xxiji sq., xxiv n. Bhalukîputra, 1.p., 15, 225 sq., Bhâradvâgîputra, n, of a teacher, 226 n.
15, 225, 224 1). Bhâmanî, a name of the Lord or Bharata, Agni called the Bh., 12, the highest Self, 34, 125; 48, 133 ; 41, 292; 46, 119, 123; killed, 272.
19, 83; King Bh. and the Rishi Bhanabhadra, converted by Bud. Vasishtha, 19, 95; the Maruts give dha, 19, 243.
to Bh, a strong horse, 32, 327, 332; Bhanda-gama, Buddha at, 11, 64-6. seized the sacrificial horse of the Bharadvaga, knew most, lived long- Satvats, 44, xxx, 401; Bh. Daunest, and performed the greatest shanti, son of Dubshanta and Saausterities among the Rishis, 1, 169; kuntala, performed a horse-sacrifice, the Rishi of the sixth Mandala of 44, 399; a king who became a the Rig-veca, 1, 216; taught by Gaina monk, 45, 85, 850, Indra, 1, 220 ; committed adultery, Bhârata, epithet of Agni (the god 2, 175 1.; Bh, and other sages ask of the Bh. tribe), 12, 114 sq. ; 46, Brahman about final emancipation, 211; the throne-seat of the Bhara8, 314; became equal to Brahman, tas, 41, 103. See also Asvamedha 14, 329; one of the seven Rishis, Bh. 15, 106; the fainily name of former Bharata, t.w., the Bh. and the Buddhas, 21, 19; accepted cows Mahâbhârata satiated at the Tarfrom Bribu, 25, 424; worshipped at pana, 29, 220. the Tarpana, 29, 122, 220; 30, 24+; Bharatas, wide sway belongs to author of the Agnishtoma, 41, xiv; them, 44, 399 ; the greatness of author of an imprecation, 42, 89, the Bh, not attained by men before 295 sq.; is the inind, 43, 7; Agni them nor by those after them, 44, praised by the Bharadvâgas, 46, 50; 399, 401; the two Bh., Devasravas son of Brihaspati by Mamatâ, 49 and Devavâta, 46, 287 sq. ; Agni (i), 44, +4n.:- Bh. Dhanvantari wor- shines for the Bh., 46, 391. shipped at the Vaisvadeva sacrifice, Bhârata-samhita, i.e. the Maha29, 84; Bh. Bârhaspatya, author of bhârata, 48, 5.8. Vedic hymns, 32, 370, 435.
Bhâratî, or Hotra Bhâratî, a godBharadvága, a disciple of Buddha, dess, 46, 154, 156; Mahî is inde49 (ii), go.
pendent of Bh., 46, u sq. ; invoked Bharadvàga, dispute between Bh. in Aprî hymns, 46, 179, 199; in and Vâsettha as to whether a man concord with the Bharatîs, 46, 237;
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