Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
45. Lakşmi is his daughter, Hari (=Vişnu) his son-in-law, Gangā his wife; and Amsta
(nectar) and the Moon are his sons. Ah ! What a family this Mahodadhi (Mighty Ocean) has !
46. O.K., we are unchaste ! Stop (however) deriding us, O, faithful wife ! you have
never defiled your chastity. But like the wife of a certain man (i.e.,you) we have not fallen for that barber.
47. You stupiù fellow, people will make fun of you for fencing this badari(the jujubi
tree) which has grown on the wrong road, which is ugly, and which is without fruit , flowers and leaves !
48. A certain old woman blessed the farmer with the words, "O, farmer, may the
cotton plants grow sky - high (lit. so high as to cross beyond the sky)" and the
daughter - in - law of that farmer's neighbour felt gratified. 49. While the rose - apples (jambū) are fully ripe in the orchards on the banks of
Godāvarī, the daughter-in-law of the ploughman will now have her dress dyed with their juice.
50. "O, brother-in-law, your wife said something (offending) to the lady who has
come as a guest for the festival; and, O, fortunate one, she is weeping in the solitary terrace room. Please go and comfort the poor lady."
51. As the clouds rumble and peacocks stretch out their necks and dance (with joy)
travellers feel gloomy as at night during these (rainy) days. 52. The speech of classical poets is effective (lit. victorious). For it suggests to the
mind of the reader a variety of ideas that appear in altogether new and striking shapes and forms.
53. My son was the one who could make a widow of the elephant's companion
with but one arrow. (But) this wretched daughter - in - law has made him carry quiverful of arrows!
54. O, fortunate one, the side of her body that you accidentally touched as you went
past (her) on the road is still sweating, its hair bristling with excitement and still trembling.
55. Is it proper that you have not even considered giving a rest for one second to