श्रीमद् विजयराजेन्द्ररि-स्मारक-ग्रंथ religion when we say that this contains approximately four and half lakhs of verses, the magnitude of this great work can be understood. It deals with about 60,000 WORDS. To quote one instance of the interpretation and elicitation of the word “AHIMSĀ” the commentary has occupied 12 pages and clearly broughtout all that pertains to this word in 18 different ways and in all its aspects. That the word commencing with the letter “A” have oocupied 893 pages, speaks volumes regarding the greatness of this work.
His Holiness the author has besides the above written the following works1. Sabdambudhi Koša,
6. Dhātupatha (in verses.) 2. Sakalaiswarya Sttotra.
7. Upadesa Ratnasara. 3. Khapariyataskaraprabandha. 8. Deepavali Kathására, 4. Sabdakaumudi ( In verses. ) 9. Sarvasamgraha Vivarana. 5. Kalyana Sttotra -
10. Prakrit Vyakarana Vyakriti. Prakriya Teeka.
11. Kalpasutra Balavabodha. Out of the 61 works written by His Holiness 8 treat of music, 23 works deal with Sanskrit language and the rest are devoted to Jain Agamas.
The Lexicon can be compared to the Encyclopaedia or “Viswakosa” of any language. It may be easily termed as “ VISWAKOSA ” of Jain Siddhanta & the revered author deserves the veneration of scholars and philosophers of the universe.
The Great Saint and Philosopher ended in Samadhi Yoga bis mundane life about forty five years ago, that is in V. S. 1963, leaving behind him Great jewels of Knowledge full of light and depth of thought containing fruits of Meditation leading to salvation He was & saviour of Humanity from sorrow and misery.
It is the sacred duty of all Jains to give proper publicity to such great works & present these volumes to all the centres of learning both in INDIA and A BROAD.
By. K. A. Dbarnendriah.
X. Principal Shri Cāmrajendra Sanskrit College-Banglòre.