श्रीमद् विजयराजेन्द्ररि-स्मारक ग्रंथ liberation, when on the annihilation of all its attributes e. g. consciousness etc; it exists like the expanse of sky.
"Atyanta-naśē Guņa-Samgatērya Sthitirnabbõvat Kanabhakşa-Paksē Muktih......”
Samkşēpa-Samkara-Vijayaḥ. 16/69. A liberated soul is thus unconscious; so that it must be understood to be the theory of the Nyaya and the Vaiģēsika systems that & liberated soul cannot be Omniscient. Although some of the Naiyáyikas hold that there is a feeling of eternal happiness (Nitya-Sukha') in a soul in its liberated state, it is the common contention of all the Naiyayikás that the liberated Soul has no consciousness of the world and its objects. Consequently, the emancipated being is not Omniscient.
III. The Liberated State And Omniscience :
The Advaita Vēdānta View. According to the Vödantins of the Advaita ( absolute monist) school, neither the bondage nor the emancipation of the Soul is real. If from the Vyavabāra or empirical standpoint, a soul be said to be freed from its state of bondage,-even then, Omniscience cannot be attributed to the emancipated being. For, a liberated soul is nothing but a soul in itself'; in such a soul, which is absolutely non-dual consciousness, there can be no internal division' (Svagatabbeda'). And because there is nothing outside it which is similar to or dissimilar from it, there cannot be distinction of it from its similars' (Sajatiyabhēda') or from its dissimilars' (Vijātiya-bbēda'). A liberated soul is not a knower but consciousness itself; there is nothing beside it :
" Nēha nanásti Kinçana" Owing to 'Avidya' or false knowledge, of course, there may be consciousness of outside objects in a soul in bondage,
“Yatra hi dvaitamiva bhavati, taditara itaram Pasyati”.
But in its state of liberation, there is nothing outside or beside it,80 that a liberated soul has no consciousness of objects other than itself.
“Yatra tasya Sarvamātmaivabhūt, tat Köna kam paśyēt"
Accordingly, from the standpoint of the Advaita Vēdanta, Omniscience in a liberated being is impossible.