श्रीमद् विजयराजेन्द्रसरि-स्मारक-ग्रंथ not on account of their present learning, but the reputation that their ancestors must have built up during our period. According to Padmanabba's openion Bhillamala had 45000 Brahmanas. They knew the four Vedas with their angas., the eight grammatical systems, fourteen vidyās, eighteen Puranus, Ayurvēda, Bharata (Natyaśāstra ), jyotisa, Pingala ( metrios ), Baji (ašvagastra ) and nāțaka. In every house there was a yajnašālā and agnihotra. They knew the secrets of the Smritis and performed the six karmans. They daily performed sacrifices and offered their shares to the gods, beginning with Indra.164 Alberuni know Bhillamala as the home of the astronomer, Brahmagupta,165 The Prthvirājavijaya speaks of the yajñas at Ajmer, 169 which again proves the continuity of the Vēdic tradition among the Brahmanas.
Similarly in the pasupata monasteries at Harsa, Ekalinga etc., the study and practice of this Pasupata principles must have been given the first place.167 As to secular subjects, they must have been the same for the Jains and non-Jains. The non-Jains also produced good poets and studied poetry. If the number of times, a poet is quoted be any index of his popularity among the people, the poets most studied in Saragadhara's time were Kalidasa, Magha, Trivikrama, 166 Bhartphari, Jayadēva, Ksemēndra, 169 Dandin and Bāņa. Next in order followed wača, guilt, radar, #aula, dant, Damodaradēve, Harihara, 170 Harga, Jayamadhava, Bhallata, Krşņamīsra, Harigana, Bhana, Harigana, Bhanū, Mayūra, Raghavachaitanya, Náráyaṇabhatta, Laksmīdhara, Gauda, Abhinanda, Chandradēva and Bhāsa. Vigrabarāja's praśasti on the Asoka pillas has been quoted, though the pillar has been wrongly described as
sacrificial post erected by Nrga. Of women poets Saragadhara notes Vijjika, Silabhattarika, Vikratanitamaba, Phalgustani, and Padmasri. If all this literature was being studied in Rajasthān, there can hardly be any doubt of the fact that more Rajasthanis knew and studied Sanskrit than they do at present.
164. 41783TFU (FIFT gerara Afet ) p. 165. Sachan Alberanui's India p. 166.
167. Reference exhibited specialy to the Harsa inscription, 168. Author of the Naladamayanti-champu. 169, Author of the 2674418 , , wilfar fan af etc. 170. A contemporay of ae97.