भीमद् विजयराजेन्द्रसूरि-स्मारक-ग्रंथ tenets. There is no right conduct without right belief, and it must · be cultivated for obtaining right faith; righteousness and conduct originate together or righteousness precedes conduct. 1
Samyakdarsana is of two kinds : (1) belief with attachment, having the following signs: calmness (prašama), fear of mundane existence in five cycles of wanderings ( samvega ), substance (dravya ), place (ksetra ), time (kāla ), thought-activity (bhāva ) and compassion towards all living beings (anukampa ); and the second kind of samyakdarsana is belief without attachment (the purity of the soul itself ).
The right belief is attained by intuition and acquisition of knowledge from external souroes, it is the result of subsidence ( upasama ), destruction-subsidence (ksayopasama ) and destruction of right belief deluding karma (darsanamohaniya karma ). Right belief is not identical with faith. It is reasoned knowledge. Adhigama is knowledge which is derived from intuition, external sources, e. g., precepts and scriptures. It is attained by means of praināņa and nnya. Pramāṇa is nothing but direct or indirect evidence for testing the knowledge of the self and the non-self. Naya is nothing but & standpoint which gives partial knowledge of a thing in some of its aspects.
Right knowledge is of five kinds : (1) knowledge through sonsegknowledge of the self and the non-self through the agency of the senses of mind; (2) knowledge derived from the study of the scriptures; (3) direct knowledge of matter in various degrees with reference to subject-matter, space, time, and quality of the object known; (4) direct knowledge of thoughts of others, simple or complex; and (5) perfect knowledge. Knowledge ( antarāya),” belief, charity, gain, enjoyment, re-enjoyment power, faith and conduct are the nine kinds of energies (viryas. ).
The road to final deliverance depends on four causes and is
1 Uttaradhyayanasūtra, XXVIII, 28-29 :
Paramatthagamthavo vā saditthaparamaţthasevanam vă vit Vāvannakudamsanavajjan ya gammattasaddabanāli Natthi carittam Bammattavihūņam damgane u bhaiyavvam
Sammattacarittaim jugavam puvvam vā sammattami 2 Tattvārthädigamasútra, Jacobi's Ed., p. 536.