147 A peculiar form donha occurs in Setu 15.18'. It is the genitive plural of do, but appears here in the nominative : donha bhua 'two arms'. Donha as an equivalent of dvau occurs also in GS 7.252. Madhava, on the other hand, reads donna for domha. The form donna appears in Jaina Mahārāștri as donna with donni as a variants. Donha and donna appear to be collateral forms going back to Pkt. donni, and seem to be taken from the colloquial language. cf. Marathi don two and OM doni expanded into donh74,
A reference may be made to the particle je used in Setu 4.36 : fx oefh 13' # fast fa fafaqai ragut. Acc. to HC 2.217 it is used for padapūraņas. Je is also found in Ardhamā. gadhi, and it is nearly always used after an infinitive as in our poem6. The use of je seems to be an old idiom probably taken from the colloquial language. In fact It is in Apabhramśa that we find it freely used, often for emphasis.' The cognate form ji likewise frequently occurs in Apabhraņģa texts.
1. This is the reading of Goldschmidt and SC Text. NS ed. has doeha which is an error
and against metre. 2. तह तेण वि सा दिठ्ठा तीअ वि तह तस्स पेसिआ दिछी । जह दोण्ह वि समअं चिअ
POTEFT375F Fr3713 II The chāyā has 721 grafo ha fatrat a. 3. Cf. ara fa gifera 3778 a fa faca Afga Nānapancainz 1.174. In the pre
ceding verse donni appears with donna as a variant. See the editor's footnotes. 4. GƏM, P. 102. 5. Nemicandra says the same thing in his comm. on Uttarādhyayanasūtra 20. 31. 6. e. g.,जहा दुक्ख भरेउ जे होइ वायस्स कोत्थलो। तहा दुक्खं करेउ जे कीवेणं समणत्तणं ॥
Uttarādhya. 19.40; ibid. 19.39, 20.31, 22.21; Nāyādhammakahão 9.90. 7 etc. 7. e.g. एक्कहो जे दुक्खु एक्कहो जे सुक्खु एक्कहो जे वन्धु एक्कहो जे मोक्खु ।। एक्कहो
# 913 T#FET TIH #T hu giet FÆ II Paümacariu 54. 7. 8, 9, Je is occasionally used in Jaina Maharastri, e.g.. एवंविहम्मि कज्जे कि जुत्तं मन्झ एत्थ #13 # Nānapancami 1.79. It cccurs frequently in KM both in prose and verse, usually after an infinitive (pp.2, 15, 34, 46, 48, 82, 90, 103, 108 etc.), but also inde
pendently as in Apabhramía (see p.31, 1.26ff.). 8. Cf. HC 4.420 and Apabhramśakāvyatrayı (GOS), pp. 17, 68.
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