Kunda-flowers associated with Kurabaka-flowers are put in their proper places, the pollens of Lodhra-flowers are applied to the expansive breasts, beautiful Sirişa-flowers are put on the ears, and the Nipa-flowers, put forth at the time of His advent are placed at the parting lines of their hair by the ladies of the city, there the beauty or pleasure generated by the combination of the six seasons is clearly manifested. Those Yakşas, there, who fancy themselves to be Indras, having gone to the mansions resplendent like fully developed autamnal moonlight, those who have lost their conrtol over themselves owing to their being lovelorn having gone with their young beloveds to the lofty ones endowed with the warmth of wealth, those who have all the longings fulfilled having gone to the mansions of crystal, amuse themselves. The lords of wealth (the Yakşas ), there, associated with their most beautiful wives, with their passions intensified, resorted to the courtyards, covered with pavement of sappire, of the mansions decorated with flowers in the form of reflected luminaries, giving enlivening pleasure [ or emitting fragrance of liquor ], with their surfaces whitened by moonlight, have sexual enjoyment again and again. There the beautiful-eyed ones, with the corners of their eyes manifesting passion, taking deligst in sexual intercourse, manifesting knittings of their eyebrows in cxcess, able to act the part of a preceptor teaching the secrets of sexual enjoyment to their lovets in privaey, do not enjoy wine, coming forth from the wish-fulfilling trees leading on to sexual intercourse, as if on account of the futility of the preceptorship when the desired object is in onc's own possession. In every house, there, a festival in honour of Jina is celebrated by the subjects of Kubera, desirous of attaining religious merit [ or cherishing desire for happiness ), through love for religion, with heavenly [ or charming 1 pounded sandalwood, rice, fragrant flowers, incense and light in company with songs [ sung by many voices etc ), while kettle-drums, prodncing deep noise like
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