for bees, accompanied by celestial women playing the harlot, engaged in conversation, enjoy the outer garden exciting passion [ or fulfilling desires ), known as Vaibhrāja. In the city the grove of wishfulfilling trees procreate in abundance for the righteous beautiful [ or multi-coloured ) garments, liquor capable of giving instructions to the eyes in connection with charming movements, the blossoming of flowers along with sprouts, a variety of ornaments, the looged-for objects of enjoyment worthy of being enjoyed for all times and producing happiness. There the wish-fulfilling tree alone generates the complete decoration of women, delicious food, juice agreeable to taste, a variety of garlands, a lute, beautiful garments so prepared as to agree with one's natural taste, scented cosmetic, lac-dye worthy of being applied to the lotus-like feet. The horses, there, with their foreparts moving and the hoofs attaining a high speed, having as if dislike for touching the earth, dark-green like leaves, claim to be as good as the horses of the sun, and the elephants, resembling Him pouring showers of rain on account of His being dashed against the others, owing to their rut flowing down on account of their being in rut, lofty like mountains, slow of pace, rival as if very much with the lords of elephants presiding over the quarters. The foremost warriors, come into antagonism with the ten-mouthed one in the battle, repudiating desire for ornaments owing to the scars of wounds inflicted upon them by swords, have no position at all, where other sages, possessing wealth in the form of knowlege like Him, are under a spell of love on account of their being pierced through by the arrows in the form of the glances cast by the love-lorn ladies.
He should visit and see that city, a place where feelings of love are excited. The statement .it is a place where god of love, generally, does not wield a bow having bees for its string through fear provoked on knowing the god, the friend of the lord of wealth, dwelling actually there'is falsely made by the people
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