Stanza 28 चलकिसलयः
The red
with foliage swinging to and fro चलाः चञ्चलाः किसलयाः पल्लवाः यस्य सः । रक्ताशोकः Asoka. This Asoka - tree is described as an excitant of passion. Mallinatha has quoted the following stanza in his commentary, called संजीवनी, on Meghaduta. प्रसून कैरशोकस्तु श्वेतो रक्त इति द्विधा । बहुसिद्धिकरः श्वेतो रक्तोऽत्र स्मरवर्धनः ॥ कान्तः 'कान्तो रम्ये प्रिये त्रिषु' इति विश्वलोचने । केसरः The Bakula-tree. 'केसरो बकुले सिंहच्छटायां नागकेसरे । पुन्नागेऽस्त्री तु किञ्जल्के स्यात्तु हिङ्गुनि केसरम् ॥ ' इति विश्वलोचने. कुरबकवृतेः - surrounded with the hedge of Kurabaka plants or having the enclosure of Kurabaka plants. कुरवकः कुरबकाः वा एव वृतिः वेष्टनं यस्व तस्य । कुरबकः पुंसि शोणझिण्टिकाम्लानभेदयोः ' इति ' वृतिर्विवरणे वाटे वेष्टिते वरणे वृतम्' इति च विश्वलोचने । माधवीमण्डपस्य of the bower of Madhavi creepers. महिन्याः सहचरी ( तव च ) द्वितीया सह सेवते upon which ( she ), my wife's associate and your wife (of the former birth) attends simultaneously. Sambara means to say that the young lady described in previous stanzas is the female friend of his better-half and the wife of the Sage to whom she was married in His former birthe. द्वितीया wife. 'द्वितीया तिथिमित्योः पूरणेऽपि द्वयोस्त्रिषु' इति विश्वलोचने । सेवते मृगाक्ष्याः attends upon, serves. of that fawn-eyed one. रहयितुम to dispell; to cause to abandon. Sambara means to say that the youthful Kinnara girl, distressed very much owing to her being separated from the Sage long since, might be amusing herself with the two trees upon which she attends every day.
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Stanza 29 मन्निवेशे (1) standing in the garden attached to my dwelling place; (2) at the Time of my marriage ceremony. निवेशः ( 1 ) an abode, a house, a dwelling; (2) marriage. मम निवेशः मन्निवेशः । तस्मिन् । As it is impossible to have a tree planted in
a house, we must, by I, take the word somewhere in the region adjoining to the dwelling Sambara, for, according to the definition of लक्षणा, Suggested by the original word, must be related to the original sense -of the criginal word. मम निवेशः विवाहः मन्निवेशः । तस्मिन् । तस्मिन काले
to denote a place of the demi-god, the other sense,