( ६५० )
बाह्यार्थे गच्छतीत्येवं शीलमस्येति सर्वगामि । बहुविधवाह्यार्थे विद्यमानमित्यर्थः । मुनिषु मिथ्याध्यातेः विधये
with reference to sages.
fruitless meditation. मिथ्या fruitless, false. ध्यातिः मिथ्या निष्फला ध्यातिः ध्यानम् । तस्याः । क्वचित् एकस्थं अपि in some single object even . हन्त decidedly. 'दाने निश्चये च हन्तकारः इत्यमरटीकायां क्षीरस्वामी | The concourse of the young beautiful ladies means to say through Sambara that as objects having beauty resembling that of limbs of Laxmi in the form of penance are not found in this world as those having beauty resembling that of the limbs of a beautiful woman are found, it is very difficult or rather impossible to advise sages to try to attain Laxmi in the form of penance for things.unknown are first known through the knowledge of other things resembl ing the unknown and then attained. It is implied that in the absence of knowledge of Laxmi in the form of penance, the Sage should not practise penance for the attainment of that Laxmi, but he should give up practising penance and should enjoy the young beautiful ladies.
Jain Education International
Stanza 32
ah, alas! हा विषादेऽपि दुःखेऽपि शकेि ' इति विश्वलोचने. मूर्ति धिक् - fie upon the stupidity. The word मूढ is derived from the root मुह् by affixing the termination क्ति [ ति ] to it under the rule 'स्त्रियां क्ति: '. The word धिक् governs the Accusative case under the rule 'हाऽन्तराऽन्तरेणातिधिनिकषासमयाभिश्वोपाधौ ' ऋषिपः - the best or the protector of sages. असावी - ill-behaved. अप्रशस्ता साध्वी असाध्वी | अजानन् not knowing. मुहुः constantly. ' मुहुः पुनः पुनः शश्वत् अभीक्ष्णमसकृत् समाः' इत्यमरः । आसक्ति उपगतः - ' attached. अस्मासु च अनादरी अभूत् - does not show favour to us. अनादरी doing no favour. आदरः अस्यास्तीति आदरी । The word आदर, being multivowelled, has the termination affixed to it under the rule अतोऽनेकाचः ' न आदरी अनादरी । अनुकमिताम् - loved by the lover; beloved.
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