तृतीयः सर्गः ]
अनुभवविषयतां नयन्ती वा । 'भूयहत्याग्निचित्या भावे' इति भावे भूयनिपातः । अथवा किंवा मूर्च्छाप्ता मूर्च्छया निद्राणा । मूर्च्छया मोहेन सुप्ता निद्राणा मूर्च्छासुप्ता | मोहनिद्रावशंगता मोहेन निद्रामुद्रितलोचना वेत्यर्थः । सखीभिः आलीभिः भयं भीत्या । भयेन सहितं यथा तथा सभयं । तन्मरणभयादित्यर्थः । आश्वास्यमाना विधीयमानविखम्भा पुरा यदा त्वमलकां भविष्यति प्राप्स्यसि तदा प्रथमं आलोके दर्शने निपतति पतिष्यति । त्वन्नयनगोचरतां यास्यतीति भावः । ' पुरायावतोर्लट् ' इति वर्त्स्यत्यर्थे लट् । कथमेता उक्ता अवस्थाः भवेयुरिति सम्भावित - मित्यारेकामर्थान्तरन्यासेन परिहरति रमणावि रहेषु कान्तवियोगेषु । रमणाद्विरहः रमणविरहः । तेषु । अङ्गनानां ललनानां । 'स्त्री नारी वनिता मुग्धा भामिनी भीरुरङ्गना इति धनञ्जयः । अङ्गानि कल्याणान्यस्याः सन्ति अङ्गना । लक्ष्मणाविषुणाङ्गनाः इति निपातः । प्रायेण बाहुल्येन एते पूर्वोक्ताः विनोदा: विरहजनितदुःखापनयनोपायाः । एतैरासक्तिसङ्कल्पमूर्च्छाद्या अवस्थाः उक्ताः ।
O gentle one! she, engaged in worshipping, on having attained to the idols of Gods taking vows prescribed [by the codes compiled by sages] for the sake of attaining you or portraying a resemblance of me found in you, manifesting emaciation caused by separation [ from her ], conceived by fancy, familiar to her since long, impressed on her mind, and known formerly or drawing a likeness of you afterwards, and looking with her eyes, opened, moistened with tears, with a great difficulty or asking the encaged Sarika, taken by her to be one belonging to the period prior to the present one, in a sweet voice 'I hope, O beautiful one I do you remember your master, for you were his pet [ or I hope, you, your master's pet, remember him ]', or having laid a lute on her lap with an unclean garment, muttering, with her hair tossing about, a melody, with a disire to sing, with reference to you, assuming the hereditary appellation of my family, a song, having words arranged in a particular order, sung in a mournful ( elegiac ) strain, displayed in a voice whipping up emotion [or feelings of compassion] (and) expressing deep anxiety or stroking gently the lute with the ends of her fingers delicate like flowers on wiping off anyhow the strings moistened with tears from her eyes or forgetting time and again the melody though constructed by herself on account of the display of vain anxiety caused by her repeated meditation upon your arrival or drawing figures on the ground by means of the flowers placed at the
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