( ४९४ )
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by means of flawless pleasing sounds. विरिब्धैः = ध्वनिभिः । The Nirnayasagar edition reads fau. I have changed this reading to fata: on the ground of f¶¤'s commentary. The sentencé क्षुब्धस्वान्तध्वान्त ' इत्यादिना ध्वनौ विशब्देति क्तान्ते साधुः ", found in the commentary, clearly implies that word which he wishes to explain is a la form and fa is not a - form [i. e. past participle ]. Moreover, the Sakatayana, from which Yogiraja is found to have been quoting often, has not made mention of this word in the aphorism • क्षुब्धस्वान्तध्वान्त - The word विशब्द does not mean ध्वनि. Taking into consideration all the points referred to above, I have come to the conclusion that the word must be replaced by some other word which must be a past participle and which must mean af. The Chintamani commentary on the AI is helpful to us in fixing the exact reading. While .explaining the aphorism ' क्षुब्धस्वान्त', the commentator, यक्षवर्मा, has referred to a word fulfilling the above-mentioned conditions. The word is . explained by him as 'रेभे रेभेच् शब्दे इत्यस्य वा । विपूर्वस्य इत्वं च वि ( र १ ) रिब्धः ध्वनिरित्यर्थः । Ia the aphorism of शब्दार्णव, the word अविशब्द is found, but it is given as the meaning of the word E. Somadeva has explai.ned the word विरिब्ध ' विरिब्धः स्वरः । विपूर्वस्य रेभङो ऽनित्वमित्वं च।.' Abhayanandi has explained it as ' विरिब्ध इति निपात्यते स्वर - रश्चेत् विरेभितमन्यत् इत्वमेतो निपातनात् । .' Jinedrabuddhi explains this word in his काशिकाविवरणपञ्जिका as -' विरिब्धमिति । अत्राप्येकारस्येत्त्वमपि निपात्यते | स्वरश्चेदिति । स्वरशब्दोऽत्र ध्वनौ वर्तते । ' सन्ध्याबलिपटहतां कुर्वन् : acting as a drum beaten at the time of worship perfomed in the
Stanza 8 :- अन्तर्वणं - in the interior part of the forest. This is .an अव्ययीभाव compound formed under the rule ' पारेमध्ये ऽन्तस्तथा वा. ' वनस्यान्तः अन्तर्वणम् | The न of वन is chaged to ण under the rule ' प्राग्रेऽ-न्तर्निः शरेक्षुप्लक्षपीयूक्षा कार्याम्रखदिशत् ।' अभियां fearless. अपगता विनष्ट - भीर्भयं येभ्यः येषां वा ते । तेषाम् । This is a प्रादिबहुव्रीहि compound. आवितं
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