ears [ of the listeners ]. The word स्रोतस् means also ' an ear.' 'स्रोतोऽम्बुलेशे कर्णे च स्रोतो देहसिरास्वपि' इति विश्वलोचने. पीयमानः - which is being imbibed or inhaled. सुगन्धः - fragrant, possessing particles of fragrant substances. शोभनाः गन्धद्रव्याणवोऽस्य सुगन्धः । The word गन्ध, being preceded by सु and being a quality, ought to have the termination s affixed to it under the rule 'सुपूत्युत्सुरभेर्गुणे गन्धस्येः ', but as in the present case the word 1777 does not imply a quality but a fragrant substance, the rule referred to above does not hold good and so the Antara termination need not be affixed to it. The following extract from the महावृत्ति supports this explanation. 'अस्ति द्रव्यवचनः । तद्यथा गन्धान् पिनष्टीति । तयो मुख्यो गुणवचनस्तस्य ग्रहणम् । तेनेह न भवति । शोभनो गन्धोऽस्य सुगन्ध आपणिकः ।' [जै. ४।२।१३६ ]. Moreover, the समासान्तविधि does not hold good always (अनित्य ). गन्धवाहः -- wind. अनुवन - in the forest. This is an Avyayibhava compound.
Stanza 30- देवपूर्व. गिरि - This देवगिरि is identified by scholars with gans, which is situated in the southwest of Jhansi. This round about way of description is resorted to by many poets. उपजिगमिषोः - wishing to approach. This is a Desiderative form derived from उप + गम् by affixing उ to it under the rule 'संन्भिक्षाशंस्थिन्दिच्छादुः', श्रमपरिजुषः - fatigued. श्रमं श्रान्ति परिजुषते सेवते इति श्रमपरिजुट् । क्विम् । तस्य | प्रत्युद्यासुः - exerting (to welcome ). Though according to Yogiraja, tbis is a Desiderative form, I am unable to agree with him. In my opinion this word is derived from già +36 + यस् by affixing an उणादि termination to it. This is an अव्युत्पन्नोणादि form. स्वक्लमच्छेददक्षः - prompt to dissipate your fatigue. तव क्लमः श्रमः क्लेशः वा त्वक्लमः । तस्य च्छेदे परिहरणे दक्षः चतुरः अनलसः वा त्वक्लमच्छेददक्षः। आरूढसौगन्ध्ययोगः - rich in fragrance. [lit. whose union with fragrance has come into being 7. आरूढः समुत्पन्नः सौगन्ध्ये न सौरभ्येण योगः सम्पर्कः सङ्गतिर्वा यस्य सः। काननोदुम्बराणां परिणमयिता - ripening the sylven figs. काननेषु वनेषु उदुम्बराणि उदुम्बरफलानि काननो
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