उपर्युक्त प्रमाण के अनुसार १०८ अगुल की ऊँचाई = ६ फिट ९ इच, १०४ अगुल = ६ फिट ६ इच तथा ९६ अगुल = ६ फिट होती है। ___ वर्तमान मे आत्मागुल से १०० अगुल की ऊँचाई = ६ फिट ३ इच (श्रेष्ठ), ९२ अंगुल = ५ फिट ९ इच (मध्यम) तथा ८४ अगुल = ५ फिट ३ इच (निम्न) मानी जाती है। पुरुष के व्यक्तित्व को प्रभावशाली और नेतृत्व सम्पन्न बनाने मे शरीर की सुन्दरता, वाणी का ओज, शारीरिक वजन, कद आदि सहायक माने गये है।
335. By this standard angul-six anguls make one paad (foot),
two paads make one vitastı, two vitastis make one ratni, two ratnis moto make one kukshi and two kukshis make one dand or dhanush or
yug or nalika or aksha or musal. Two thousand dhanush make one gavyut (one kosa or two miles) and four gavyuts make a yojan (eight miles).
Elaboration—In aphorism 334 are mentioned two classifications of
First-Having (1) pramana, (2) maan, and (3) unmaan. Second-(1) excellent, (2) mediocre, and (3) inferior.
(1) The pramana (ideal standard) man has a face 9 anguls long and height 12 times the length of the face or 108 anguls
(2) Draunik purush-A large tub is called droni When it is filled to the brim with water and a man sits in it and completely submerges, then if the volume of water he displaces measures one dron (4 adhaks) he is called a dronik man. This dronik man is the one endowed with ideal standard maan
(3) Unman purush-When weighed on a balance if a man weighs Ardhabhar (52 5 Seers or 48.83 kgs.) he is supposed to be endowed with standard unmaan
In height the excellent ones measure 108 anguls, the mediocre ones 104 anguls and the inferior ones 96 anguls.
The uttam purush or excellent ones are endowed with auspicious signs including conch-shell and Swastika, marks like moles and other birth-marks, a body that is strong, radiant and firm; a voice that is deep and resonant, virtues like generosity and compassion; and are born in high class families or clans.
सचित्र अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र-२
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Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra-2
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