(28) Art-Hrafos at Farolas Ren ? Halicle, 3441a, gife, Hyta, asfat, alle, अविपर्यय, सुदृष्टि इत्यादि सामायिक के नाम है। अर्थात् सामायिक का पूर्ण वर्णन ही सामायिक की निरुक्ति है। (विशेष वर्णन मलधारीया वृत्ति तथा आचार्य आत्माराम जी कृत विवेचन (पृ. २९०-२९७ 10) 119-211 UPODGHAT NIRYUKTANUGAM
604. (Q.) What is this Upodghat Niryuktanugam (contextual elaboration through introduction) ?
(Ans.) Upodghat Niryuktanugam (contextual elaboration through introduction) is to be known (as answers to the points mentioned) in the following order—1) uddesh, (2) nirdesh, (3) nirgam, (4) kshetra, (5) kaal, (6) purush, (7) kaaran, (8) pratyaya, (9) lakshan, (10) naya, (11) samavatar, (12) anumat, (13) kim, (14) katividham, (15) kasya, (16) kutra, (17) keshu, (18) katham, (19) kıyachchiram bhavatı kaalam, (20) katı, (21) saantaram, (22) avirahitam, (23) bhavah, (24) akarsh, (25) sparshana, and (26) niruktih.
This concludes the description of Upodghat Niryuktanugam (contextual elaboration through introduction)
Elaboration—To prepare the background for assigning the right meaning in specified context to a sutra (text/aphorism) is called upodghat (introduction). To detail the process associated with this term is called Upodghat Niryuktanugam (contextual elaboration through introduction). It has 26 dvars (approaches) explained in context of Samayik (practice of equanimity) as follows
(1) Uddesh-to assign a general name or title, e.g.-adhyayan (chapter)
(2) Nirdesh-to assign a particular name or title, e g. -Samayik (the first chapter of Avashyak Sutra).
(3) Nirgam—to find out the original source. For example the original source of Samayik (practice of equanimity) as concept is Trrthankars (Bhagavan Mahavir) and that of Samayık as text is Ganadharas (Sudharma Swami).
(4) Kshetra-to find out the place of origin For example, in general terms Samayik (practice of equanimity) has its origin in a specific time
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Anugam Dvar (Approach of Interpretation)
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