Book Title: Agam 32 Chulika 02 Anuyogdwar Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Aryarakshit, Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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samiti (71) sammurchhim (216) sammurchhim chatushpad sthalacharpanchendriya
tiryanch-yonik (quadruped terrestrial five-sensed animal of asexual origin) (216) sammurchhim jalachar-panchendriya tiryanch-yonik (aquatic five-sensed animal of asexual origin) (216) sammurchhim khechar-panchendriya tiryanch-yonik (aerial five-sensed animal of asexual origin) (216) sammurchhim manushya (human being of asexual origin) (216) sampradan (recipient) (dative case) (261) samsarasth (237) samsaritva (mundane state) (238) samstarak (a two and a half yard bed) (17) samsthan (structure) (205) samsthan-nama (structure-name) (219, 224) samsthana-anupurvi (structural sequence) (93, 205) samudaya (71) samuddesh (to be revised and memorized) (2, 3, 5) samudra (sea) (169) samuba (72) samvatsar (202) samyaktva-labdhi
(attaining righteousness) (241) Sanatkumar (173, 216) sanchar sam (260-10) sanchari-bhaava (emotion) (262-11) sandhya (evening) (249) sanghatim (sanghaime) (made by interweaving or entwining) (12)
sannidhan (is used to mean the receptacle of something) (vocative case) (261) sannipat (combination) (233) sannipatik (233). sannipatik-bhaava (mixed state) (113, 207, 233, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259) saptak (musical octave) (260-9) saptasvar sibhar(260-10) sarakanta (260-7) garasi (260-7) saravanta (260-10) sarva visham (260-10) sarva-darshi (244) sarvaduhkhapahina (244) sarvakaal (202) Sarvarthsiddha (216) sat (existent) (208) satpadprarupana (exposition of words for existent things) (105, 122, 149, 150, 190) Saudharma (173, 174, 216, 249) Sauvira (260-8) savadyayoga virati (73) sayogi (237) sbabda naya (verbal viewpoint or that related to language and grammar) (15, 97) shabda nayas (shabda naya, samabhirudha naya, and evambhuta naya) (57) shadavashyak (sextet of obligatory duties) (9) shadj gram (260-6, 7) shadj svar (musical note) (260-1, 2, 3, 4,5) shadjiva nikaya (72) sham (tranquillity) (262-11)
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