अध्यवसायस्थान, (८) अनुभागबंध के कारणभूत अध्यवसाय स्थान, (९) मनोयोग, वचनयोग और काययोग के अविभाज्य विभाग- योगच्छेद प्रतिभाग, और (१०) उत्सर्पिणी तथा अवसर्पिणी कालो के समय ।
उक्त दसों के बाद पुनः इस समस्त राशि का तीन बार वर्ग करके प्राप्त संख्या में से एक न्यून करने से उत्कृष्ट असंख्यातासंख्यात का प्रमाण होता है। किसी संख्या के तीन बार वर्ग करने की विधि इस प्रकार है- सर्वप्रथम उस संख्या का वर्ग करना। फिर वर्गजन्य संख्या का वर्ग करना, फिर वर्गजन्यसंख्या का वर्ग करना । उदाहरणार्थ -४ सख्या है। ४ × ४ = १६ वर्गजन्यसंख्या, फिर १६ १६ = २५६ वर्गजन्यसंख्या, फिर २५६ २५६ ६५,५३६। (विशेष : परिशिष्ट ३ देखे)
514. (Q.) How much is Utkrisht Asamkhyat-asamkhyat (maximum innumerable-innumerable) ?
(Ans.) The Utkrisht Asamkhyat-asamkhyat (maximum innumerable-innumerable) is equal to one less Jaghanya Asamkhyat-asamkhyat (minimum innumerable-innumerable) raised to the power of itself. Or it is one less than Jaghanya Parit Anant (minimum lower infinite).
Elaboration-Here Utkrisht Asamkhyat-asamkhyat (maximum innumerable-innumerable) has been defined. Some acharyas have defined this another way also-The square of minimum innumerableinnumerable is squared and then this square is once again squared. To this number arrived after squaring three times add the following ten Asamkhyat (innumerable) numbers
(1) Pradeshas (space-points) of Lokakash (occupied space), (2) Pradeshas (space-points) of Dharmastikaya (motion entity), (3) Pradeshas (space-points) of Adharmastikaya (rest entity), (4) Pradeshas (space-points) of one Jiva (single soul), (5) Bodies of Dravyarthik Nigods (dormant beings in the form of clusters of infinite minute plant-bodied beings), (6) All the other-bodied beings besides the said clustered beings (this includes earth-, water-, fire-, air-, plant- and mobile-bodied beings), (7) the infinite causes of duration-bondage (sthiti-bandh) of karmas, (8) the infinite causes of potency-bondage (anubhag-bandh) of karmas, (9) the indivisible parts of mano yoga (mind association), vachan yoga (speech association), and kaya yoga (body association), and (10) the total number of Samayas in cycles of time (progressive and regressive).
After adding the total of these numbers to the aforesaid number the result is once again squared three times. When one is subtracted from this number it is equal to Utkrisht Asamkhyat-asamkhyat (maximum high innumerable-innumerable).
संख्याप्रमाण- प्रकरण
Jain Education International
The Discussion on Samkhya Pramana
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