knower) should be considered same as mentioned earlierte (Discussion on Avashyak).
५३०. (१) से किं तं जाणयसरीर-भवियसरीर वइरित्ते दव्वसमोयारे ? __ जाणयसरीर- भवियसरीर वइरिते दव्वसमोयारे तिविहे पण्णत्ते। तं जहाआयसमोयारे परसमोयारे तदुभयसमोयारे। सव्वदव्वा वि य णं आयसमोयारेणं आयभावे समोयरंति, परसमोयारेणं जहा कुंडे बदराणि, तदुभयसमोयारेणं जहा घरे थंभो आयभावे य, जहा घडे गीवा आयभावे य।
५३०. (१) (प्र.) ज्ञायकशरीर-भव्यशरीर-व्यतिरिक्तद्रव्यसमवतार कितने प्रकार
का है ?
(उ.) ज्ञायकशरीर-भव्यशरीर-व्यतिरिक्तद्रव्यसमवतार तीन प्रकार का है-यथा(१) आत्मसमवतार, (२) परसमवतार, और (३) तदुभयसमवतार।
आत्मसमवतार की अपेक्षा सभी द्रव्य आत्मभाव-अपने स्वरूप में ही रहते हैं, परसमवतारापेक्षया कुंड में बेर की तरह परभाव में रहते हैं तथा तदुभयसमवतार से (सभी द्रव्य) घर में स्तम्भ अथवा घट में ग्रीवा (गर्दन) की तरह परभाव तथा आत्मभाव दोनों में रहते हैं। ____530. (1) (Q.) Of how many kinds is Jnayak sharir-bhavya sharir vyatırikta dravya samavatar (physical-assimilation other than the body of the knower and the body of the potential knower) ?
(Ans.) Jnayak sharir-bhavya sharir vyatırikta dravya samavatar (physical-assimilation other than the body of the knower and the body of the potential knower) is of three types (1) Atmasamavatar (self-dependent assimilation), (2) Parasamavatar (assimilation dependent on others), and (3) Tadubhayasamavatar (assimilation dependent on self and others both).
According to Atmasamavatar (self-dependent assimilation) all substances exist in their own form or state. According to Parasamavatar (assimilation dependent on others) they exist in a state dependent on others, in the same way as berries in a bowl. And according to Tadubhayasamavatar (assimilation dependent on self and others both) they exist both independently and
The Discussion on Vaktavyata
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