This concludes the description of achitta dravya aaya (physical acquisition pertaining to the non-living).
५७४. से किं तं मीसए ?
मीसए सीसाणं सिस्सिणियाणं सभंडोवकरणाणं आये । से तं मीसए । से तं लोगुत्तरिए से तं जाणयसरीर - भवियसरीर - वइरित्ते दव्वाए । से तं नोआगमओ दव्वाए। से तं दव्वाए।
५७४ . ( प्र . ) मिश्र लोकोत्तरिक- आय क्या है ?
(उ.) भांडोपकरणादि सहित शिष्य - शिष्याओं की प्राप्ति 'मिश्र - आय' है। यही लोकोत्तरिक आय का स्वरूप है । यही ज्ञायकशरीर - भव्यशरीर-व्यतिरिक्तद्रव्य - आय है । यही नोआगमतः द्रव्य - आय है । यही द्रव्य - आय है।
574. (Q.) What is this mishra dravya aaya ( mixed physical acquisition)?
(Ans.) The aaya ( acquisition ) related to male and female disciples equipped with bowls and other ascetic equipment is called mishra dravya aaya (mixed physical acquisition).
This concludes the description of mishra dravya aaya (mixed physical acquisition). This also concludes the description of Lokottarik dravya aaya (spiritual physical acquisition). This concludes the description of Jnayak sharir-bhavya sharirvyatirikta dravya aaya (physical acquisition other than the body of the knower and the body of the potential knower). This concludes the description of No-agamatah dravya aaya (physical acquisition without scriptural knowledge) as well as Dravya aaya (physical acquisition).
भाव- आय
५७५. से किं तं भावाए ?
भावा दुविहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा - आगमतो य नोआगमतो य ।
५७५. (प्र.) भाव - आय क्या है ?
(उ.) भाव-आय दो प्रकार की हैं, जैसे- (१) आगम से, और (२) नोआगम से।
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