एक खण्ड को निकालने पर जितने समय मे वह पल्य बालाग्र खण्डो से विहीन, नीरज. सश्लेषरहित और सम्पूर्ण रूप से निष्ठित-खाली हो जाये, उतने काल को सूक्ष्म अद्धापल्योपम कहते है। ___ इस अद्धापल्योपम को दस कोटाकोटि से गुणा करने से अर्थात् दस कोटाकोटि सूक्ष्म अद्धापल्योपमो का एक सूक्ष्म अद्धासागरोपम होता है ॥५॥ SUKSHMA ADDHA PALYOPAM
381. (Q.) What is this Sukshma Addha Palyopam ? (Ans.) Sukshma Addha Palyopam is described as follows
For example there is a silo one yojan long, one yojan wide, one yojan high and with a circumference of a little more than three yojans. That silo is filled to the brim with hair-tips grown in one day, two days, three days, up to a maximum of seven days (after shaving the head) The hair are tightly packed into a solid mass Now imagine one balagra (hair-tip) to have been cut into innumerable minute pieces that are equivalent to an innumerable fraction of the most minute visible particle and innumerable times the area occupied by a single being of the minute mildew class. And these pieces of hair-tips cannot be burnt by fire or swept by air and are neither decayed, destroyed or putrefied Now, Sukshma Addha Palyopam is the total time taken in completely emptying this silo by taking out one such piece of hair-tip at a time every hundred years and sweeping it clean and free from any sand particles, slime and even odour. ___Such ten kodakodh (quadrillion) (1014) Sukshma Addha
Palyopam make one Sukshma Addha Sagaropam. (5) ___ ३८२. एएहिं सुहुमेहिं अद्धापलिओवम-सागरोवमेहिं किं पओयणं ?
एतेहिं सुहुमेहिं अद्धापलिओवम-सागरोवमेहिं रतिय-तिरियजोणिय-मणूसदेवाणं आउयाई मविज्जंति।
॥काले प्रमाणे त्ति पयं सम्मत्तं ।। ३८२. (प्र.) इस सूक्ष्म अद्धापल्योपम और सागरोपम का क्या प्रयोजन है ?
The Discussion on Kaal Pramana
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