39. A bhikshu or bhikshuni while entering the house of a layman in order to seek alms should find if the food is placed in a pot having its mouth sealed with clay. In such case the ascetic should refrain from taking any such food, if offered, considering it to be faulty and unacceptable. The omniscient has said that that is a cause of bondage of karmas.
This is because, the layman while opening the clay seal of the pot may cause harm to earth-bodied beings, at the same time he may even cause harm to fire-bodied beings, air-bodied beings, plant-bodied beings and mobile-bodied beings. When he re-seals the pot to protect the remaining food he will also commit the pashchakarm (post-activity) fault. Therefore the omniscient preaches that the ascetic should refrain from taking any food offered by opening a sealed pot, considering it to be faulty and unacceptable.
विवेचन-सूत्र ३७ में उद्गम के १२वें उभिन्न नामक दोष से युक्त आहार के ग्रहण करने का निषेध है। यहाँ केवल मिट्टी के लेप से लिप्त बर्तन के मुख को खोलकर दिया गया आहार लेने में उद्भिन्न दोष बताया है, किन्तु दशवैकालिकसूत्र में जल-कुम्भ, चक्की, पीठ, शिलापुत्र (लोढ़ा), मिट्टी के लेप और लाख आदि द्रव्यों से ढके, लिपे और मूंदे हुए बर्तन से आहार लेने का भी निषेध किया है। (दशवै. ५/१/४५) अतः उभिन्न से केवल मिट्टी का लेप ही नहीं, लाख, चपड़ा, कपड़ा, लोह, लकड़ी आदि द्रव्यों से बंद बर्तन का मुँह खोलने का भी कथन समझ लेना चाहिए।
Elaboration-Aphorism 37 censures taking food with the twelfth fault of origin, called Udbhinna. Here this fault has been defined only as taking food from pot sealed with clay. But according to Dashavaikalika Sutra taking food from a pot covered with water pitcher, grinding stone, plate, rock, clay-seal, shellac-seal etc. is also prohibited (Dashavaikalika 5/1/45). Therefore, Udbhinna should be interpreted as food taken after breaking seal of a pot sealed with shellac, cloth, iron, wood and other material, not just that sealed with clay.
पिण्डैषणा : प्रथम अध्ययन
Pindesana : Frist Chapter
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