water is available -- (a) Sesame seed wash, (b) barley wash, (c) yawokak, (d) rice-water, (e) water which has been used to wash a pot in which kanji (sour gruel) is kept, (f) clean boiled water, wash of raisin like things or any other such water. If it is so, he should first see that water and tell the layman-"Long lived brother or sister! Would you please give me any one of these washes (drinks ) ?” Now if the layman says – “Long lived Shraman! Please collect yourself with or pour in your pot from the storage vessel." The ascetic may collect that drink himself considering it to be pure. He may also take if the layman gives it to him.
43. A bhikshu or bhikshuni while entering the house of a layman in order to seek water should find if the layman has placed that acceptable water on sachit (contaminated with living organisms) earth, damp ground, on a thing covered with cobwebs, or has taken out and kept in a pot having sachit thing; in order to offer it to the ascetic, the layman is bringing that drink with wet and dripping hands, in a pot smeared with sachit sand (moist or dirty) (etc.) or after mixing sachit water in purified water. If it is so, he should refrain from taking any such water or drink considering it to be contaminated and unacceptable.
This (prudence about exploration of food and water) is the totality (of conduct including that related to knowledge) for that bhikshu or bhikshuni.
विवेचन - आहार की एषणा के पश्चात् इन सूत्रों में पानी की एषणा के विषय में बताया गया है कि साधु ऐसा अचित्त पानी ग्रहण करे जिसमें न तो जल काय के जीव विद्यमान हों, न ही वह सचित्त वस्तुओं से स्पृष्ट हो। ऐसे पेय व ग्राह्य पानी को 'पानक' कहा गया है। तीन उबाल देकर गर्म किया हुआ पानी अचित्त हो जाता है, उसके अलावा तिल, चावल आदि के धोवन के नौ प्रकार इन सूत्रों में बताये हैं । 'तहप्पगार' शब्द से इस प्रकार का अन्य पानी शस्त्र परिणत होने पर जिसका वर्ण, गंध, रस बदल गया हो वह भी भिक्षु के लिए ग्राह्य है, जैसे द्राक्षा का पानी, राख से माँजे हुए या धोये हुए बर्तनों का पानी भी प्रासुक माना गया है।
आचारांग सूत्र (भाग २)
( ९८ )
Jain Education International
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Acharanga Sutra (Part 2)