nir-1-AAAASC .. .. .. .. ... ... .
speech he intends to use is correct or not. Another thing is that he should have complete knowledge of the language, grammar and other related subjects in order to be able to express his ideas with clarity and accuracy.
Of the types of speech mentioned in this aphorism, eight are proscribed-(1) garbled speech, (2) doubtful statement, (3) statement based on assumption, (4) statement based on hearsay, (5) statement about apparent but doubtful and not investigated topic, (6) clear and correct but causing death or physical and sentimental pain, (7) speech having double meaning, and (8) absolute and dogmatic statement. Defining adhyatma vachan (spiritual statement or inner voice) Acharya Shri Atmaramji M. writes that while talking about other things, to utter involuntarily about matters originally intended to be kept concealed is called adhyatma vachan. An example--A merchant went to a village to buy cotton but to keep his mission secret he resolved not to talk about cotton with anyone. When he got thirsty he went to a well and involuntarily asked the attendant—“Please serve me cotton at once.” (Tika by Acharya Shri Atmaramji M.)
विशेष शब्दों के अर्थ-निट्ठाभासी-निश्चित करने के बाद कथन करने वाला, स्पष्ट भाषी। अणुवीयि-पहले बुद्धि से निरीक्षण-परीक्षण करके-छानबीन करके फिर बोलने वाला। अज्झत्थवयण-आध्यात्मिक कथन, जो शास्त्रीय प्रमाण, अनुभव, युक्ति या प्रत्यक्ष से निश्चित हो, अथवा अन्तःकरण प्रेरित वचन। उवणीयवयणं-प्रशंसात्मक वचन, जैसे-यह रूपवान है। अवणीयवयणं-अप्रशंसात्मक वचन, जैसे-यह रूपहीन है। उवणीय-अवणीयवयणं-किसी का कोई गुण प्रशंसा-योग्य है, कोई अवगुण निन्दा-योग्य है, उसके विषय में कथन करना, जैसे-यह व्यक्ति रूपवान है किन्तु चरित्रहीन है। अवणीय-उवणीयवयणं-किसी के निन्दा के साथ प्रशंसात्मक वचन बोलना, जैसे-यह पुरुष कुरूप है, किन्तु सदाचारी है।
Technical Terms : Nitthabhasi—one who speaks after ascertaining; a frank person. Anuvviyi--one who inquires and examines before speaking. Ajhatthvayana-~-spiritual statement; that which is authenticated by scriptural texts, experience, logic or apparent reality; inner voice. Uvaniyavayanam-~-words of praise, e.g., she is beautiful. Avaniyavayanam-words of criticism, e.g., he is ugly. Uvaniya
भाषाजात : चतुर्थ अध्ययन
( २८३ )
Bhashajata : Fourth Chapter
Jain Education International
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