Book Title: Agam 01 Ang 02 Acharanga Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan

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Page 616
________________ ANNATAARAAAAAA अहिंसा और अपरिग्रह महाव्रत का सूचक है, अगारबन्धन - व्युत्सर्ग शेष समस्त महाव्रतों को सूचित करता है । ( आचारांग वृत्ति, पत्रांक ४२९ ) Elaboration-The living or life in various forms or bodies as human and other beings is ephemeral; in other words this mundane world is transient. Every genus in all the four dimensions of the living is transient in nature. Hearing this unique statement of the Jina a wise person should profoundly contemplate on it and realize that the statement is absolutely true. "Abhiru arambha-pariggaham chaye"-Abhiru means an ascetic who is free of the seven types of fear and is not disturbed by afflictions and torments. Arambha means sinful acts. Parigraha means outer and inner possessions. An ascetic should abandon all possessions and sinful activities meant for their acquisition. Renouncing sinful activities and possessions points at the great vows of ahimsa and nonpossession: And renouncing mundane ties points at the remaining great vows. (Acharanga Vritti, leaf 429) पर्वत की उपमा तथा परीषहोपसर्ग सहन- प्रेरणा ४०१. तहागयं भिक्खुमणंतसंजयं, अणेलिसं विष्णु चरंतमेसणं । तुदंति वायाहिं अभिद्दवं णरा, सरेहिं संगामगयं व कुंजरं ॥ २ ॥ ४०१. उस तथाभूत (अनित्यादि भावना से भावित) अनन्त - (एकेन्द्रियादि जीवों) के प्रति यतनावान् अनुपमसंयमी विद्वान् एवं आगमानुसार आहारादि की एषणा करने वाले भिक्षु को देखकर कतिपय मिथ्या दृष्टि अनार्य मनुष्य उस पर असभ्य वचनों से तथा पत्थर आदि प्रहार से उसी तरह व्यथित कर देते हैं जिस तरह संग्राम में वीर योद्धा, शत्रु के हाथी को वाणों की वर्षा से व्यथित करते हैं ॥ २ ॥ MOUNTAIN THE SYMBOL OF TOLERANCE 401. Seeing that inspired (with anitya and other bhaavanas), caring (for all beings) and extremely disciplined sage collecting alms according to the procedure laid down in Agam some ignorant rustics torment him by attacking with abusive words and stones just like warriors torment an enemy elephant with a barrage of arrows in a battle. (2) आचारांग सूत्र (भाग २) ( ५५८ ) Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only Acharanga Sutra (Part 2) CH


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