_including Buddhists and other Shramans, Brahmins, destitute,
beggars, those who live on alms, those who rub ash on their body before begging etc. They gave charity to beggars. After this distribution they offered food to the invited friends, relatives, family members and kin-folk. After this the king addressed the gathering regarding the naming of the child—“Since this child was conceived by Trishala Devi our family saw a continuous upsurge in its wealth; this included silver, gold, wealth, grains, rubies, pearls, conch-shells, rocks, coral etc. Therefore I name this boy as Vardhaman (ever increasing)-a name justifying his virtues."
भगवान का संवर्द्धन ____३५३: तओ णं समणे भगवं महावीरे पंचधाइपरिवुडे, तं जहा-खीरधाइए, मज्जण
धाइए, मंडावणधाइए, खेल्लावणधाइए, अंकधाइए, अंकाओ अंकं साहरिज्जमाणे रम्मे ॐ मणिकोट्टिमतले गिरिकंदरसमल्लीणे व चंपयपायवे अहाणुपुव्वीए संवड्ढइ।
३५३. जन्म के बाद श्रमण भगवान महावीर का लालन-पालन पाँच धाय माताओं द्वारा होने लगा। जैसे कि-(१) क्षीरधात्री-(दूध पिलाने वाली धाय), (२) मज्जनधात्री-(स्नान 2 कराने वाली धाय), (३) मंडनधात्री-(वस्त्राभूषण पहनाने वाली धाय), (४) क्रीड़ाधात्री 0 (क्रीड़ा कराने वाली धाय), और (५) अंकधात्री-(गोद में खिलाने वाली धाय)। इस प्रकार ।
एक गोद से दूसरी गोद में लिये जाते हुए एवं मणिमण्डित रमणीय आँगन में (खेलते हुए), पर्वत की गुफा में स्थित चम्पक वृक्ष की भाँति विघ्न-बाधाओं से रहित कुमार वर्द्धमान क्रमशः सुखपूर्वक बढ़ने लगे। GROWTH OF BHAGAVAN
353. After his birth Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir was being looked after by five nurse-maids-(1) Kshir Dhatri or milknurse-maid (one who took charge of feeding), (2) Maijan Dhatri or bath-nurse-maid (one who took charge of giving a bath), (3) Mandan Dhatri or dress-nurse-maid (one who took charge of
putting on dress and ornaments), (4) Krida Dhatri or play-nursea maid (one who took charge of playing with the baby), (5) Anka आचारांग सूत्र (भाग २)
( ४९२ ) ___Acharanga Sutra (Part 2)
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