171. While wandering from one village to another, when a bhikshu or bhikshuni is approached by a traveller and asked“Long lived Shraman ! Have you seen some man, deer, buffalo, other animal, bird, snake or other reptile moving on this path? If yes, please tell us where it has gone. Please show us.” At this the ascetic should neither tell them anything nor respond to their request. Instead he should ignore them silently. Even if he knows he should not say so but resume his wandering with due
१७२. से भिक्खू वा २ गामाणुगामं दूइज्माणे अंतरा से पाडिपहिया उवागच्छेज्जा ते णं पाडिपहिया एवं वएज्जा - आउसंतो समणा ! अवियाई इत्तो पडिपहे पासह उदगपसूयाणि कंदाणि वा मूलाणि वा तयाणि वा पत्ताणि वा पुप्फाणि वा फलाणि वा बीयाणि वा हरियाणि वा उदगं वा संणिहियं अगणिं वा संणिक्खित्तं, से आइक्खह जाव दुइज्जेज्जा ।
१७२. ग्रामानुग्राम विचरण करते हुए साधु-साध्वी को मार्ग में आते हुए कुछ पथिक मिल जायें और वे इस प्रकार पूछें - " आयुष्मन् श्रमण ! क्या आपने इस मार्ग में जल में पैदा होने वाले कन्द या मूल अथवा छाल, पत्ते, फूल, फल, बीज, हरित अथवा संग्रह किया हुआ पेय जल या निकटवर्ती जल का स्थान अथवा अप्रज्वलित रखी हुई अग्नि देखी है ? अगर देखी हो तो हमें बताओ, दिखाओ, कहाँ है ?" इसके उत्तर में साधु उन्हें कुछ न दिखाए, अपितु मौन रहे । यतनापूर्वक विहार करता रहे।
172. While wandering from one village to another, when a bhikshu or bhikshuni is approached by a traveller and asked“Long lived Shraman ! Have you seen aquatic bulbous roots, stalks or bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds, other plants, stored drinking water, other nearby source of water or non-kindled fire on the path ? If yes, please tell us and show where it is.” At this the ascetic should not show them anything but remain silent. He should resume his wandering with due care.
आचारांग सूत्र (भाग २)
( २६८ )
Jain Education International
For Private & Personal Use Only
Acharanga Sutra (Part 2)