Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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फफफफफफफफफफफफफ 74. [Q.] Bhante ! Of how many types is darshan-labdhi (attainment of ability of perception / faith ) ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It is of three kinds-Samyagdarshan-labdhi (attainment of ability of right perception/faith), Mithyadarshan-labdhi (attainment of ability of false perception/faith) and Samyagmithyadarshan-labdhi (attainment of ability of right-false or mixed perception/faith).
७५. [ प्र. ] चरित्तलद्धी णं भंते ! कइविहा पण्णत्ता ?
[उ.] गोयमा ! पंचविहा पण्णत्ता, तं जहा - सामाइयचरित्तलद्धी, छेदोवट्ठावणियलद्धी, परिहारविसुद्धलद्धी, सुहुमसंपरायलद्धी, अहक्खायचरित्तलद्धी ।
७५. [ प्र. ] भगवन् ! चारित्रलब्धि कितने प्रकार की है ?
[उ. ] गौतम ! चारित्रलब्धि पाँच प्रकार की है। वह इस प्रकार - सामायिकचारित्रलब्धि, छेदोपस्थापनिकलब्धि, परिहारविशुद्धलब्धि, सूक्ष्मसम्परायलब्धि और यथाख्यातचारित्रलब्धि । 75. [Q.] Bhante ! Of how many types is chaaritra-labdhi (attainment of ability of conduct)?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It is of five kinds – Saamaayik-chaaritra-labdhi (attainment of ability of abstaining from all kinds of sinful acts and consequent equanimity), Chhedopasthaanik-labdhi (attainment ability of re-accepting five great vows one by one), Pariharavishuddhiklabdhi (attainment of ability to observe special austerities according to the prescribed procedure aimed at enhanced purification), 5 Sukshmasamparaya-labdhi (attainment of ability of the discipline prescribed for tenth Gunasthaan aimed at removing traces of attachment) and Yathakhyata-chaaritra-labdhi (attainment of ability of the ultimate discipline of detachment related to beings at eleventh and 5 higher Gunasthaans).
७६. [प्र. ] चरित्ताचरित्तलद्धी णं भंते ! कइविहा पण्णत्ता ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! एगागारा पण्णत्ता । एवं जाव उवभोगलद्धी एगागारा पण्णत्ता ।
७६. [ प्र. ] भगवन् ! चारित्राचारित्रलब्धि कितने प्रकार की है ?
[उ.] गौतम ! वह एकाकार (एक प्रकार की) है। इसी प्रकार दानलब्धि, लाभलब्धि, भोगलब्धि, उपभोगलब्धि; ये सब एक-एक प्रकार की हैं।
76. [Q.] Bhante ! Of how many types is Chaaritraachaaritra-labdhi (ability of partial renunciation ) ?
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