Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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9. The limits of the intervening period between one Ekendriyaaudarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh and the next in case of taking rebirth as some other class of living being and taking rebirth again as one-sensed being.
10. The comparative numbers of living beings acquiring bondage of the whole (sarva-bandh) as well as that of a part.
Eight reasons for Audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh-When building a mansion favourable causes including matter, energy, coincidence, involvement of mind, speech and body, fruition of noble karmas, lifespan, genus (as animal or human) and suitable era (the third, fourth or fifth epoch) are necessary. In the same way the following eight favourable causes are necessary for Audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to gross physical body formation)-(1) Saviryatapresence of potency or energy produced by pacification-cum-destruction of potency-hindering karma (Viryantaraya karma). (2) SayogataPresence of intent to act. (3) Saddravyata-availability of matter particles suitable for forming gross physical body. (4) Pramaad-stuporgenerating passions required for creation of physical body. (5) Karmakarma responsible for formation of gross physical body of an animal or a human. (6) Yoga-mental, vocal and physical association or activity. (7) Bhava-animal or human genus. (8) Ayushya-life-span as animal or human. Although this bondage occurs due to fruition of Audarik-shariraprayoga-naam-karma (karma responsible for gross physical body formation) it is facilitated by the aforesaid eight causes.
Two types of Audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh: sarva-bandh and desh-bandh-When a cookie is put in a pan filled with oil and heated on a stove, at the first moment it only acquires or draws in the oil; at the second and consequent moments it draws in as well as gives away that oil. In the same way when a soul (jiva) abandons its existing body and acquires a new body, at the first moment it only acquires matter particles suitable for its new body and available at the place of birth. This way this bondage is the bondage of the whole (sarva-bandh). After that at the second and consequent moments it acquires as well as sheds such particles of matter. This way it is bondage of a part (desh-bandh). That is why it is stated here that Audarik-sharira-prayoga-bandh (bondage related to gross physical body formation) is both, of the whole as well as of a part. The bondage of the whole is only for one Samaya. Following the aforesaid example of a cookie, suppose an air-bodied, भगवती सूत्र (३)
Bhagavati Sutra (3)
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