Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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1 sermon from the omniscient etc. observes the austerity of three-day fasts 15 instead of two-day fasts. That being acquires Avadhi-jnana due to his
natural simplicity and other virtues and undergoes the progressive process of lha etc. With the help of this acquired Avadhi-jnand he is able to know and see a maximum of innumerable portions of unoccupied space (Alok), each as vast as the occupied space (Lok). In due course, following righteous conduct in the ascetic garb etc., he also attains omniscience. (Vritti, leave 438) तथारूप अवधिज्ञानी में लेश्या आदि LESHYAS AND OTHER ATTRIBUTES
३४. [प्र. ] से णं भंते ! कतिसु लेस्सासु होज्जा ? __ [उ. ] गोयमा ! छसु लेस्सासु होज्जा, तं जहा-कण्हलेसाए जाव सुक्कलेसाए।
३४. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! वह (तथारूप अवधिज्ञानी जीव) कितनी लेश्याओं में होता है ? [ उ. ] गौतम ! छहों लेश्याओं में होता है। यथा-कृष्णलेश्या यावत् शुक्ललेश्या।
34. [Q.] Bhante ! In how many soul-complexions (leshva) does that (aforesaid) Avadhi-jnani (the possessor of Avadhi-jnana) dwell ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! He dwells in all the six soul complexions-Krishna leshya (black complexion of soul) ... and so on up to... Shukla leshya
(white soul-complexion). क ३५. [प्र. ] से णं भंते ! कतिसु णाणेसु होज्जा ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! तिसु वा चउसु वा होज्जा। तिसु होज्जमाणे आभिणिबोहियनाण-सुयनाण+ ओहिनाणेसु होज्जा, चउसु होज्जमाणे आभिणिबोहियनाण-सुयनाण-ओहिनाण-मणपज्जवनाणेसु
३५. [प्र. ] भगवन् ! वह (तथारूप अवधिज्ञानी जीव) कितने ज्ञान में होता हैं ?
[उ. ] गौतम ! तोन या चार ज्ञानों में होता है। यदि तीन ज्ञान होते हैं, तो आभिनिबोधिकज्ञान, ॐ श्रुतज्ञान और अवधिज्ञान में होता है। यदि चार ज्ञान होते हैं तो आभिनिबोधिकज्ञान, श्रुतज्ञान, अवधिज्ञान और मनःपर्यवज्ञान।
35. (Q.) Bhante ! In how many jnanas (types of knowledge) does that म (aforesaid) Avadhi-jnani (the possessor of Avadhi-jnana) dwell ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! He dwells in three or four jnanas (types of + knowledge)-If three, they are Abhinibodhik jnana (sensory knowledge),
Shrut-jnana (scriptural knowledge) and Avadhi-jnana (extrasensory perception of the physical dimension; something akin to clairvoyance). If four, they are Abhinibodhik jnana, Shrut-jnana, Avadhi-jnana and Manah-paryav-jnana (extrasensory perception and knowledge of thought process and thought-forms of other beings, something akin to telepathy).
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